be w . issues? ‘How are we to deal with the ctnayinty that some Canadians have more ‘ronts if they live in one province as ‘opposed to another? How do we comprehend ‘the paradox that the Prime Minister most. strongly ‘supportive of an entrenched Charter of ci . liberties and rights was also” the only ‘Prime Minister in eayeesetee giesetar suspend the then existing BIT of Rights? au ‘ 4 iP ae i on 7 re Bee: rte By ips ' | ’ as "Finally, to dive rights. and to make sure they qo vig ee" ee governments and individuals must ensure that a truly ce ie “ie ee . democratic enviroment extsts getty Canadians are RUT . aware of the rights they have. i ne a, / Let me conclude by adding that "knowing" and "being aware" as just “the first step along. a very long road in terms of the evoluti: onary development of our t Sivil liberties and rights, We must also practice. The Charter must become an ‘integral if aie of our informed, lived experi ence if we are to survive as a libs ral democracy. In ‘the: next few weeks and months we are going to have the ‘opportunity. to learn from many of our colleagues about the meaning o of the Charter. oe “Tookit me to the toons more about our eM liberties | and | rights, I I hope you are too. Profoundly hope a ’ i Tun jme i " oan — a