TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD May 16, 1985. Oo eee From April 29 to May 1, I was the guest of the Saskatchewan Association for Lifelong Learning, with reference to community development programs. On May 9th, the Adult Basic Education and Adult Special Education Coordinators of the Province met at Dougias College, to discuss the use of volunteer tutors. The Conference was organized by a provincial committee, chaired by Eileen Bowcott of the College I CARE Program. Joyce Cameron, of our Adult Basic Education program, gave one of the major presentations. On May 13 and 14, the Council of Principals had its regular meeting. It was agreed that the joint meeting with the BCAC Board had been valuable from the point of view of the Principals, and that planning should start soon for a similar meeting next year. The Council of Principals is intending to review the existing Ministry statement of Goals and Objectives for the colleges and institutes at a Retreat in June. Depending on the outcome of that discussion, it is possible that the BCAC and individual Boards will be provided with information on the views of the Council of Principals in this regard. Internal Matters - Education Work is continuing regarding the College submission to the Ministry Oo regarding the 5.8 million dollar "challenge" fund. The College submission will be made in a timely fashion, with submissions considered from all divisions. Once our formal submission is prepared, we will be asking for a special meeting of the Education and Services Committee of the Board, in order that they be well informed, and in a position to comment on our proposals. Professional Development activities are ongoing at this time within the College. A very active program has been developed and implemented by committees of staff and faculty. Internal Matters - Personnel I am pleased to announce the return of Mr. Don McEachern, Director of the Social Services and Allied Health Department. Don's health is improved to the degree that he is able to assume full responsibility for his duties once again. Mary Fewster, Director of the Nursing Department, is not well, and is likely to be away for some time on Long Term Disability. Ms. Joy Holmwood has consented to act as Director during this period of time. We are grateful to Joy for consenting to take on this task, and for the other Nursing faculty and staff who have so willingly undertaken different duties, in order to maintain smooth operations. On May 15th, the College hosted the second annual retirement luncheon and Wine & Cheese party for the present and past faculty, staff and administrative retirees. The day was a complete success. We thank Dr. John Hopkins, Dr. Pauline Hughes, and Ms. Pat Cook for their presence during the afternoon. It was much appreciated.