Aad Hatter ouglas College Newsletter. Feg. 3 2%) ~ Allocation of Staff '*” PROCEDURES FOR ALLOCATING STAFF MEMBERS TO THE TWO COLLEGES 1. If an amloyee is assigned to a specific program then that em- ployee will remain assigned even Kwantlen College might if the program is transferred from have a new logo design, as Douglas College to Kwantlen was reported in the Mad, College, or vice versa. Hatter last week, but: the 2. Positions will be established in big question on everyone's eGR 1 mind was....What was the a. oe oe enab : a designer's concept of the prehensive offering of courses and symbol? oes Stuart Richardson, Dou- 3. (a) Employees whose jobs are deemed glas College graphic arts redundant at the time of the instructor and designer split shall be considered first of the winning logo, says for available cositions for the multi directional sym- y which they are qualified. bols converging on a comm Assignments will be through the on point symbolize the joint Labour-Management Committee. comiz.g together of an ed- ucational institution to- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 wards a common goal that is separated only by the natural terrain of the bgt Organization Structure - The colours of blue and brown were chosen as being Kwantlen Col lege representative of the nat- ural elements surrounding the college. The blue represented the water and All faculty and staff are invited to sky, while the brown attend a meeting on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY stood for the land surroun- Oi 1981 from 2:00PM EO 4:00PM at the ded by water. LOUNGE AREA of NEWTON CENTRE. The overall design is in keeping with the idea Discussion will be held on the of having a semi-indian proposed organization structure for motif that is related to Kwantlen College. the Indian name of Kwantlen oe College and one which will ---Tony Wilkinson give a strong identifiable symbol unique to the inst- [ itution, / - - ORR PNT ALLE ME OLE TE LI ETA TAL, REALE NET IT I IE ES TNE Ec 90