| Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 | Page 11 | Page 17 Page 19 Page 21 Page 23 Page 24 Page 27 Page 18 Page 26 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Amendments New Listing under FIRST AID INSERT - New West 279 N200 Opposite Medical Room New West INSERT - Below Newsroom | Opposite Athletics Chris Johnson DELETE - 279 INSERT - 252 Gert Van Niekerk DELETE - 279 INSERT - 287 Bill Long © DELETE - 279 Under CHILD CARE Opposite Dave Burgess DELETE - 279 INSERT - 287 Opposite E. Hrushowy DELETE - 279 INSERT - 287 Opposi te i. Andeeas DELETE - 225 Opposite Dave Burgess DELETE - 279 INSERT - 287 Opposite David Dick DELETE - 261 INSERT - 279 Opposite E. Hrushowy DELETE - 279 Opposite Chris Johnson DELETE - 2645 705A INSERT - 252N 700 Opposite Bill Long Opposite Hank Naylor DELETE - 225 INSERT - 285 279 N200 7 THe HON. THOMAS A. DoHM, @.C. 171 WEST SIXTH AVENUE VANCOUVER, B.C. VSY 1KS October 28, 1977 _ Dear Friend: For the British Columbia Lions Society for Crippled Children, 1977 was indeed a very good year. The Society's programs of Easter Seal Buses, Easter Seal Camps, Easter Seal House and Patient Care Services continued to reach out to help the disabled children across the Province. You will see as you read through our Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977 that our perimeters are growing. Support from the community for the year ending dune 30, 1977 totalled $1,282,790.00. This is an increase of 20% for the year. Only 10% goes to administration. I urge you to read this report thoughtful ly keeping in mind that crippled children will eventually become adults and enter the work force just like you and your fellow employees. The employees of many companies help handicapped children through payroll deduction. I ask you to speak with your employees about this plan. Through payroll deductions to the British Columbia Lions Society for Crippled Children, _ your employees can make a meaningful contribution to the handicapped. ‘Aa This year the Lions are undertaking their first TIMMY'S CHRISTMAS TELETHON for crippled children on CKVU-13, December 3 and 4. Employee Groups making $1,000 donations will be asked to make their presentation on television. “Should you wish to participate, please indicate by checking the last square on the back of the return envelope or call us at 873-2942, and ask for Lesley. The Honourable. Thomas A. Dohm, Q.C. Honorary Chairman ) : Corporate Appeal ** The 1977 Annual Report is being retained in the Library. Opposite Gert Van Niekerk oa DELETE - 279 INSERT - 287