ork 2amphiets, Cartoons spark Outrage at MAVE YOU SPOKEN UP YET? Zalina Alvi, Excalibur (York University) RONTO (CUP)—Pamphlets distributed he Campus Coalition of Zionists group ‘ork University have some students con- ed the material was Islamophobic. ‘The pamphlets were handed out Oct. 26 embers of the group during an event y called “Table Against Terror.” he material included a cartoon depicting catures of Muslim people standing next sign that featured a sword piercing the be, with the caption “Global jihad: Killing dels worldwide for Allah (All sects wel- e).” The display also included a banner ing, “Table against terror: We’ve JIHAD ugh.” Another cartoon featured a caricature of lestinian child drawn cross-eyed and ring a shirt with the words: “I love tyrdom.” A Palestinian toddler in the e cartoon was shown in.a diaper with a fier in his/her mouth while holding a gun against his/her chest. ‘oni Roth, president and founder of the pus Coalition of Zionists, posted an ation to the demonstration on the Hillel ork Facebook group prior to the event, g it-was going to be “fun, meaningful more than a little controversial.” Roth encouraged people to “bring Israel para- nalia and your screaming voices.” embers of the group told Fuad Abdi, < Federation of Students (YFS) vice-pres- t of equity, that their material had been approved by the administration and they p allowed to remain in Vari Hall. omplaints regarding the distribution of erials that were sent to the York adminis- on by some students have so far gone swered, according to Abdi. He had plans eet with the administration Nov. 3 to ss the material and other issues that newseditor@gmail.com concern students at York. “Literature of this nature is Islamophobic and unacceptable,” said Abdi. “It is also dis- appointing and disheartening that York University administrators have not taken a proactive role to stop the spread of racist imagery and negative stereotypes that only serve to fuel hatred on our campus.” The Campus Coalition of Zionists had a different view on the pamphlets distributed. The material “was nothing more than an accurate display of the problem of terror being faced today by Israel and all Western civilization,” said Roth. “Tt isn’t surprising, though, for the YFS to absurdly denounce the table on the basis of being ‘Islamophobic.’ It’s just one more use of ridiculous rhetoric by the politically biased organization.” The York Federation of Students’ “Stop the Hate” campaign ended its month-long focus on Islamophobia Oct. 31, with a meet- ing by the Taskforce on the Needs of Muslim Students. The taskforce plans to compile the expe- riences of Muslim students and their sugges- tions regarding policy, as it pertains to them, in a report to be presented to the administra- tion at York and on-a municipal level. Abdi, Gilary Massa Machado, Vanier College counsellor and commissioner for the vice-president external, and Hamid Osman, YFS activity vice-president external, are in charge of the report. Similar meetings are being held at univer- sities across Ontario. The taskforce was cre- ated in January 2006 at the Canadian Federation of Students Ontario General Meeting to address concerns of Islamophobia affecting university students. WE’VE GOT JOBS WAITING... and cooking... and bartending... Access the employment grapevine for the best the food & beverage biz has to offer: ae « CONCORD SECURITY CONCORD SECURITY is hiring! We want you to join our team. We have several openings at high-profile, customer service oriented sites. Part-time and full-time available. Flexible hours. Full-time and part-time security courses are available every 2 weeks. Gain the experience you need for your future career. © Email personnel@consec.com or call 604-689-4005 for more information www.concordsecurity.com