The nee Press ee 8, wa Bring a jareefi’ plaiit.a a ipa TAE*KWON*DO Urban environment workshop helps es cinecs people start community nature projects e Self Defense sti green Pe o ate ae Wature in ae ee and is a a . recognized as crucial to the health of urban munity and environmental groups, educato - Kick Boxing communities. They help filter air and water, naturalists, landscape architects and urb ¢ Power Training moderate temperature, create recreational and planners. i e Physical Education educational spaces and provide habitat for birds A variety of environmental speakers a h h and other wildlife. topics at the workshop will stimulz and muc. I mucn more A one-day workshop organized by the communication and ideas on bringing nature bz Evergreen Foundation will be held at Douglas to our parks and green spaces, creating a GROUP CLASS SCHEDU LE College on Saturday, March 11 to discuss current maintaining green spaces, community outrea c ; : urban naturalization issues and help people start and ways to include nature in our urban li¥ Monday . 5:30 pm ° Please register 15 min. their own projects. The workshopis called Participants will learn how to establish “Wednesday a 5:30 pm before class Reconnecting community naturalization project, find out abc : ‘i drop in fees available People important community projects in the Low Saturday > 11:30 am With Mainland and how to access resource : Participants should bring a mug and outd Z . wear. Lunch is provided. The fee is $4 Chief Instructor Location or $10 for students and low-incor . rtici ts. F inf ti Cuninie Beaupré Edmonds Community Centre participants. For more information or register, call David Mason at 6 3rd Degree Black Belt 7282 Kingsway, Burnaby with 24 years of experience | (Enter from Edmonds Street) World Tae-Kwon-Do Information OR Registration Federation Call Gervais: 522-1822 My work is focused towards teaching ethical and moral philosophies that will help children and adults to feel good | about themselves and to become a better person. A pro- gram of exercises were designed by Gervais throughout i many years of research to help people to build up self- ae esteem, to increase their confidence, to improve their energy levels and practice a polite, respectful attitude towards all people. « PIZZA VARIETIES OF WHOLE WHEAT £P'lZ ZA F oe > CARNARVON ST- 1 isl AG e- Sroeti DOUGLAS COLLEGE we are nese? F BIG y SLICE PIZZA Soe ibaa a ] DOUGLAS COLLEGE aeSeeeeeunaenea @ CARNARVON ST. SEY TRAIN | STATION | iss