page fourteen The Other Press (~. Mikey likes cians by Mike Kennedy ‘‘In olden days, a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shock- ing, now heaven c knows...anything y : goes! : : ...and so goes the North American way of life. With each succesive generation breaking in a new set of norms. The youth of today : are, as were the youth of Cole Porter’s day, trying desperately to establish their own identity by break- ing away from convention and not really understand-. ; ing what it is that they are breaking away from. While the true rebel is breaking away from his peer group by being con- ventional, the mock rebels are out destroying their ear drums in the name_ of = ‘‘having a good time’’. One fashion of destroying ones ear drums which has _ re- cently(withing the last two years) risen to popularity is ““Punk Rock’’. : So @ Punk Rock, which was forced to mellow out for ac- various ways to draw paral- lels between itself as a movement and the rock & roll movement of the late fifties and early sixties. The : & unacceptable hair styles, <é ; the. outlandish lyrics and the excessive volume are just a few of the amazing similarities between Elvis Costello and Little Richard. | Punk Rock has a more : unique statement than any | music movement which may have preceeded it. The statement is so unique in ceptability on the air fact that it is doubtful that waves, is an_ interesting phenomenon that tries in ; That’s probably not the first time that reputation in the marketplace as highly even its’ most devote fans question has been asked of you, but what skilled technologists. underetand ptt isa mee ’ 2 . : ment wi Its roots in as your aniwer Bean You know than. you are not certain about what you ar etm } yt doing in September, but you do want to be Despite any pseudo intel- the one who gets the job. More than 93 certain about your future, then don’t wait lectual_ meaning which percent of last year’s graduating class had call 434-5734, local 216 (call collect if Punk, ay Dave ater, ; jobs in professions for which they were Suateide Stik ; land minions seems so appro- outside of the Lower Mainland). priate a word that | think trained within four months of receiving : ; ‘Enrol j “fi i erhaps it says more about : their coveted BCIT Diploma of Technology, } men : panaled.on a - first come; first . Punk than any other word : served” basis. There may be a place for sees and that’s been happening for years. : That is to say that like all you in one of the following technologies, movements, Punk has its’ 7 Employers seek out BCIT graduates even if you lack certain academic own elite. The rest are just ' because of the extensive training they prerequisites, because BCIT offers out for a good time, and oh K receive at the institute and because pre-technology programs to assist what a time they have. d f h blished lic a : To truly appreciate the graduates of past years have established a applicants to meet specific requirements. Punk sensation that the wes jority of Punkers enjoy, one BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HEALTH DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION must attend a Punk Rock ; Administrative Management, Biomedical Electronics, Biological Sciences, Biological ae eee ee = ae Broadcast Communications, Environmental Health, Health Sciences Program, Management for: ckitics <-/love (Senior Computer Systems, Financial Data, Medical Laboratory, in Agriculture Program suffer’. When the. music Management, Hospitality and Medical Radiography, Nuclear (Agri-Management), Building, begins however, you are Tourism Administration, Medicine, General Nursing — Chemical and Metallurgical, Civil sure to get caught up in the i Marketing Management, (leading to R.N.), Psychiatric and Structural, Electrical, Forest mood(unless your too cool, | Operations Management. Nursing (leading to R.P.N.) Resource, Forest Products, or too mature for that sort i. Lumber and Plywood, of thing) and if you really Carine intonation be BOT Manufacturing Program, Pulp get caught you may even programs, write to the: and Paper Program, Mechanical, find yourself pushing your Aiinsissione CEA; British Mining, Natural Gas and way down front to contrib- move me again and again, _ and that’s all that matters. - : Petroleum, Recreation Facilities ute to the group dance. ae OSS OF ew OEY, Management, Surveying. Punk is then a movement 00 Willingdon Avenue, ' which says something; = eae or eed 16 8 more importantly it is an Collect if outside Lower Mainland | the career Campus xpi ee