February 13,1981 letters The Other Press Other side Dear Editor, The hostages are back. ‘“‘America demands reven- ge!’’Trumpet all the head- lines. One of the hostages said that he would be glad to go back to Iran in a B-52 bomber. Reagan has de- clared that he would be glad clared that they are ‘‘pri- soners of war’’ and will be honoured as national heroes And the State Department has been leaking carefully chosen and broadly publici- zed disclosures about the terrible way the hostages were treated. From the examples given, however, the ‘‘bad treat- ment”’ of the hostages does not seem to be at all com- parable with the savage treatment meted out to the Iranian people by the x should not accept their word SAVAK, the former shah’s es on their role in foreign secret police and faithful ee nations. Ed Dumas: No, not at all. I ally of the CIA. Further- e Sincerely, got rich parents. more, many of the hostages ww are part of a skillful cam- paign prepared by a team of army psychologists special- ized in treating victims of terrorism and reintegrating them into the ‘‘free world.”’ But these specialists’ work seems to be aimed more at the American people, who are being whipped up into anti-Iranian hysteria so as to get them to accept Reagan’s new foreign policy and stepped-up preparations for war. I repeat, let us not forget that there is another side to the story. At least 22 of the 52 American hostages held in Iran were members of the U.S. Army. Eight worked in the military divi- sion responsible for esta- blishing lilnks, at the officer level, between the Iranian and American Armed For- ces. Among them: Colonel Thomas Schaefer, Col. Charles Scott, Col. David Roeder, and military attache Regis Regan. They worked alongside the Shah,. the executioner of more than 60,000 Iranians in the last two years of his regime alone.Let’s not get caught up in the hysteria, let’s look at both sides before we judge on what really hap- pened in Iran. We have only to recall the role of the United States and Vietnam and Chile to realize that we L. Wing ent. Mary Ann McGarrett: won't where else am suppose to go. College is very Woulda higher tuition fee deter youfrom | coming to Douglas College next year? Scot McFarlane: No, I don’t think so. Douglas College is still cheaper than any other post secondary insti- tution. Lynn Macdonald: Yes, I am paying with my own money. I am not working and can hardly afford it now. This page of The Other Press is reserved solely. for the purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newpaper. All letters and opinions must be types ata G0-stroke liné, double-spaced and must bear the name of the author for reasons of validity. Submissions which are not | signed will not be published. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be either 450 or 900 words in length due to space and layout requirements. . We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions longer than specified will be edited to size. Deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. Mondays.’ Rum fGuree Wine dipped. racka ong wi ckof Colts the cards.