NURSING STUDENTS BIG WINNERS The Douglas College Nursing Depart- ment has no problem finding excep- tional students these days. At the re- cent Douglas College Foundation meeting six scholarship awards were given to students in the Nursing divi- sion and two were for students in the Child Care Counselling Program in the Social Services and Allied Health Division. The scholarship award winners were chosen for high academic achievement and involvement in college or community activities. The scholarship funds come from the Douglas College Foundation’s perma- nent endowment for student aid. The majority of funds in the endowment provide bursaries for students who are in financial need. Since September, the Foundation has awarded $25,265 in student aid. The Foundation was established last year primarily to raise money for student financial aid and to make sure students who most need assistance get it. The Foundation also promotes special activities such as athletics and the performing and creative arts by raising funds in the community. douglas college uilding SUCCESS... Bill Day, President of the College and staff member of the Foundation, stood in for Foundation Chairman Bill Em- erton. Day praised the students for their achievements of excellence, not- ing that many of the recipients were mature students with families and other commitments. “it's also interesting that Douglas College was the first college in the province to allow mature students to attend a nursing program either part- time or full-time,” says Day. The Douglas College scholarship award winners were: - Mary Delory of New Westminster from the Child Care Counsellor Program; - Sharon Johnson of Port Moody from General Nursing; - Kim Duke of Coquitlam from General Nursing; - Julia Friesen of Burnaby from Child Care Counselling; - Sandra Lundgren of New Westmins- ter from the Psychiatric Nursing Program; - Chandra MacDonald of Port Moody from General Nursing; - Judy MacPherson of New Westmin- ster from General Nursing: - Rose Van Der Gulik of Langley from General Nursing; Internal Student Aid Campaign Up- date: next time you pass the Student Society Office on the con- course, note the latest figure raised for student aid. It’s going up! FOUNOOTION