= Ps Work is continuing on a number of possible projects for inter-college co-operation. I am pleased to inform the Board that the Douglas College suggestion for a system of linking up all college computer information systems has been accepted. It seems likely that this year all colleges in the province will be linked to a system that will be capable of moving information back and forth over telephone lines - “electronic mail". The Provincial Committee on Computers in Education has decided to co-sponsor two major events during the next few months - a workshop for Board Members, CEO's, and senior college personnel on the use of computers in post-secondary education learning activities in early June; and other workshops on curriculum authoring systems later on in the summer. These will be intended for faculty who have interest and some expertise in the field. On March 11, I paid a visit to the Surrey Adult Learning Centre, at the invitation of Dr. Don McKinnon, Director of Adult Education in Surrey. Their Centre, sponsored by the School District, is an exciting place, and I will be attempting to arrange for some cross- visits between faculty, that might be of mutual value. On March 12, the Deans & Directors of Continuing Education met here at Douglas College. As a group, they are expressing major concern over difficulties resulting from the present formula. As I understand it they will be making a submission on this topic to the Council of Principals, and to the Formula Funding Review Committee. On March 17, Tom Norton, the new Executive Director of the ACCC, paid us a visit, and spent the morning with the Bursar and Deans, in order to discuss improvements to ACCC services and operations. Yesterday, March 18, I was privileged to speak to the Health Units Association of Alberta, on the topic of B.C.'s Restraint Program and its impacts on the college and institute system. It appears that Alberta may be moving into a multi-year cycle of reducing budgets, and they are most anxious to learn about the B.C. experience. The paper that I delivered to that conference will be expanded somewhat, and circulated to members of this Board and the College community. Internal Matters - Education During the month of February, Foundation activities played a major role - with the internal campaign being the highlight of the month. On February 26th, Bishop Remi De Roo gave a public lecture, under the auspices of the Douglas College Humanities Institute, on the subject of the economy and social responsibility. On the same day, the Maple Ridge Centre, hosted a graduation ceremony for its Adult Basic Education classes, at which the Board Chairman, Mr. Cliff Murnane, was a featured guest. March 19, 1987.