DOUGLAS COLLEGE Wyree veo ARCH Strayed-Stolen-Lost-Found Every semester faculty, staff, and students lose many dollars in cash and kind, not to speak of the in- convenience of strayed lost or stolen items, both personal and institutional property. The following suggestions are made to reduce losses and aid recovery: a) Mark all personal property with both SIN number or DRIVERS LICENCE number and name. b) Don't leave belongings lying about unattended. c) Report missing items immediately to either Security Local 5405 or Switchboard 0. d) While most articles which are turned in are those found within 48 hours. Keep checking back as items do sometimes turn up much later. Watch notice boards for lists of found articles. e) All personnel are cautioned not to consider unlocked offices as safe haven. Every semester radios, pur- ses, wallets disappear from unlocked offices and desks. In respect to bicycles the watchword is the same, lock it or lose it. | HELP US TO HELP YOU -- BE SECURITY CONSCIOUS -- PROTECT YOUR BELONGINGS. The Concourse Crowning Jewel or Garbage Dump No one who crosses our concourse or walks the connecting walkways bet- ween north to south buildings can help but either admire the grand expanse or become somewhat disturbed when viewing the garbage strewn plaza. It is oft times said we are products of our environment but it seems too that our environment is a product of its inhabitants. Certainly not all of us are so to- tally without regard for our sur- roundings that we are content to see the "post PNE scene" portrayed on what is otherwise capable of being the crowning jewel of the campus -- a pleasing crossroads -- a happy gathering place -- a bright even sometimes sunny place to contemplate our good fortune at having so fine a facility. Garbage can just as easily as not, be placed IN THE PROPER receptacles provided throughout the building. An appeal is made to all to assist a struggling staff of two to main- tain the entire building. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE GARBAGE LYING ABOUT - PLEASE PITCH IN AND Mad Hatter Page 3.