arene _ Wednesday, January 18, 1984 ..NO EASY WAY OUT Well readers, it’s a new semester, once again. So, that means new _ classes, by Doug Parson | new teachers, and the usual plethora of homework. If you’re like me, | have ahard j enough time class! _ getting Homework is one of my biggest problems in dealing with school. Yes, that horr- , ible noun that scares teach- ers and students alike, has once again risen it’s ugly head to make even the strongest among us quiver our fountain pens. But, aithful readers, your de- «dicated columnist has a sol- lf you have a tax refund coming this year, you could wait months while Revenue Canada holds on to your money. Or you could come to BenTax. At a BenTax Discount Centre — for a fee — you'll get money for your federal tax refund in just ‘a few days. And we'll even prepare that return at no extra charge. Just phone, or stop in at the BenTax Discount Centre nearest you. BenTax puts your money where it belongs ... in your pocket. Fast. cljBenfax TAX PREPARATION REFUND BUYING. TSFORD— é 14-33655 Essendene Avenue. Please 604) 251-2157 for phone (604) ALL REFUND PURCHASES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. ution. | was fortunate eno- ugh to see a film in my business class that dealt with time management. It was very revealing in that it gave very sound ideas on >0, | will try to pass some of these ideas onto you. The first thing to do is .,. ‘| make a list, either in your |. Mad or on paper. Write ~ # down all your homework assignments, late or due discounts. Centre. Student Society. 522-6038. organizing time effectively. Why DoI Need One???? Ttis also your Library Card. With your Student Card, you eta Discount Card good for local and international It allows you to swim freeat the Canada Games Pool and Maple Ridge Leisure Free use of student electric typewriters . .on the second floor of the library. It allows use of the photocopier in the student lounge at the rate of 5¢a copy. Book free legal advice through the Itis your admittance to student sponsored functions (Socials, Intramurals, Film Nights) With your student card, youbecomea _ member of the Canadian Student Federation. You need your student card to use the Games Room.(Pin3 Pon, Darts, Videos, Pool) or the Post Office in Rm. 1606 More information can be obtained through the Student Society Office or by callin? papers, etc., everything that has to get done. Now, beside your list (which, if you’re like me is kinda long) on the left hand side, label each one with either an A, B. or C. Label all assignments that are most important, or the most late, with the letter A. All the assignments that are not late or not as important, label with a B.. And all the rest.that are not as urgent, or don’t have to be done right away, label with a C. That may seem easy to do, but now what you have to do is stick to that sched- ule. Always do the A’s first. They are top priority. Make a daily ‘‘to do’’ list. Update it every day, and routinely at the same time every day. Do it after you get home, when you first get to school, at lunch, when- ever. As long as it becomes a habit. This helps you get into a routine which will help you get everything completed on time, and get caught up. arises, is that you never seem to have enough time to get the really big projects started, so you do a bunch of © work as. filler. That’s wrong! That’s what you made the list for in the first place! The C work may be easier to do, but it’s the A work that’s screaming to get done! So do it! The A work is the most important work that needs to be done, and it’s not going to get any nearer to completion if you Sometimes you won’t have time to do a whole project in one sitting. Then you should use the ‘Swiss cheeses’ approach. This in- volves seperating the work into smaller segments that can be done individually. That way, when you sit down to do your homework, Ask yourself the question, “What is the best way to use my time right now?’ That will help you get start- ed on organizing your avail- able time into constructive use. One problem that often you can still do the A projects first, by doing a single segment. 1) List all assignments, papers, etc. that have to been done or are late. .2) Make a daily ‘to do’ list. Remember to update it often and on a regular basis. 3) Assign an A, B, or C to each piece in order of im portance. 4) Ask_ yourself ‘what is the best use of my time?’ '5) Always do the A mater- ial first. It’s no use putting it off if it’s important enough. If you follow these few simple (who’s he trying to kid) rules, you should find that you'll get your work done on time, efficiently, and without late penalties. USELESS TIP OF THE WEEK : by Doug Parsons The best way to waltz is ina vat of syrup.