4 Province, necessitated a delay In new programs In these areas. Nevertheless, a substantlal portion of the physical facilitles of Oo the college Is designed to accommodate such programs. The college will be examining Its obJectives regarding program comprehensiveness In the next few years, In order to prepare plans to use the currently unfinished and unused space. THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE FOUNDATION The College has established a Foundation through which It has been accepting gifts and donations. At the present time, the focus of the Foundation is the development of funds to support Fine Arts activities, Athletics and Recreation activities, and Student Financlal Ald. In recent months, the Foundation has been developing plans for an external fundralsing campaign, hop!Ing to obtaln financial support from Individuals, businesses and organizations. CONCLUSION In Its last report, the Board made reference to the challenges of the flscal restralnt program. | am pleased to report that, to date, the college has provided educational opportunities to a steadily IncreasIng number of students. However, we must deal with continulng stresses on the Institution. Program transfers from other col! leges to Douglas oO College have created a number of personnel-related problems, some of which are still unresolved; there is a growing population of frustrated app! icants; budget uncertalintles, staffing levels and Increased workloads have strained personnel at all levels of the Institutlon. The Board wishes to recognize the cooperation of Its faculty and staff In dealing with this difficult perlod. It also wishes to acknowledge the recognition of the level of services provided to the College through Increases in our funded program profile. The Board considers the college to have provided an obvlously needed, high quality educational service, consistent with Its mandate. Therefore, we are pleased to recommend the continuation of Douglas College. urnane, Chalrman, Douglas College Board la