Events Calendar All events take place at the New Westminster Campus unless otherwise noted. December 2 and 3 National Day of Action on Violence Against Women December 2, 1 to 1:45pm David Lam Campus Atrium December 3, 12:15 to 1pm, New West Concourse December 6 Community Music School Student Recital 2-4pm, Performing Arts Theatre December 7 Community Music School Suzuki Solo Recital 2-4pm, Performing Arts Theatre December 14 Community Music School Fund-raiser Concert 2pm, Performing Arts Theatre, Call 604-527-5469 December 18 College-wide Holiday Celebration 4 to 6pm, Upper Cafeteria Opportunities Enabled Centre hosts grand opening Come and see the potential. The Opportunities Enabled Centre, a new facility designed to help people with physical disabilities or workplace injuries retrain for Information Technology careers, hosts its grand opening on December 11. Drop by and meet the instructors, cry programming the Lego robots and test out the computers, anytime from 9:30am to 1:30pm in room A2070 at the David Lam Campus, 1250 Pinetree Way in Coquitlam. The Centre is home to the Opportunities Enabled Program, an Information Technology training program for people with disabilities. The program launches in January and runs for nine months, plus four months of work placement. For more information contact Barbara Allen at 604-527- 5247. It's not too late to adopt a family for the holidays The Financial Aid Office invites you to sponsor a Christmas hamper fora student family. You’ ll receive information ona family (age, gender and gift suggestions). Hampers should also include non-perishable food items and must be delivered to the Financial Briefly The Ministry of Advanced Education has approved the College's purchase of the Old Firehall site across 8" Avenue from the New Westminster Campus, finalizing the deal. * Douglas College, the University College of the Fraser Valley and the City of Coquitlam teamed up to host the 2003 Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) men’s and women’s soccer championships from November 4 to 8 at the Town Centre in Coquitlam. Douglas College men took home the Bronze Medal. Lou Rene Legge, Director of the Centre for Sport, Wellness and Recreation thanks everyone who was involved in making it a successful event. * Over 250 people came out to the David Lam Campus in Coquitlam for a special Aid Office (Room 2710, New Westminster Campus) by December 15. To get your family, contact Marie Anweiler at 604-527-5106 or and Patty Lewis at 604- 527-5105 or conference on young people and mental health issues in October. Held as part of Mental Illness Week and Depression Screening and Education Day, the event was hosted by the Psychology Department and Health and Safety Committee (DLC) of Douglas College in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association (Fraser North) and Royal Columbian Hospital. Visitors had the opportunity to speak to volunteer clinicians and counselors. Also, 300 high school students attended a conference at the Pinetree Secondary School gym. For more information about this event, contact Gerry Gramozis at 604-527- 5508 or * Sandra Mountain of the Assessment Centre is looking to buyaused treadmill, either manual or Class Act the biggest ever College President Susan Witter (left) and CMO Graphic Designer Tana Frie (right) were part of a record crowd at A Class Act, the Douglas College Foundation's annual Wine Fest fund-raiser. Over 400 people came to indulge in wine and hors d'oeuvres on November 13 at the Executive Plaza Hotel, raising more than $26,000 which will go to financial aid for the College's Hote! and Restaurant Management, Athletics and Dispensing Optician programs and the CKNW Orphans’ Fund. Former ambassador talks terrorism at Minimun Take a terrorism expert from Ottawa, a former Canadian ambassador (South East Asia) and high school students from Greater Vancouver and you have Minimun at Douglas College. Terrorism was the theme of the event, which was held on November 21 and attracted about 80 students from Port Moody Senior Secondary and Southpointe Academy, an independent school in Delta. Gordon Longmere, the motorized. Contact Sandra at 604-527-5501. * If in doubt don’t throw it out. Kevin Sanders, a Training Facilitator with BOE, is always looking for used or damaged electronic items for students in the Basic Occupational Education Program, Electronic Assembly Option. Saunders is also looking to buy a used trampoline, approximately 10 by 12 feet. Contact Sanders at 604-527-5554 or e-mail * The Bookstores at both campuses are holding their annual Christmas Sale from November 24 to December 15. Selected clothing and giftware will be 25 to 75 percent off. Also, the buyback for used books runs December 4 to 15. * former Canadian Ambassador to South East Asia, and now a consultant to the Canadian government on terrorism in the region, fielded questions from students on bio-terrorism, religious residential schools and globalization. Then students heard from Peter Bates, the Deputy Director of International Crime, Terrorism, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, via live video-conference from Ottawa, courtesy of CEIT. Minimun is warm-up event for Dougimun, the Don't forget the Douglas College Vision Centre, which offers preferred pricing for all College students, staff and their families on popular brand name glasses and contact lenses. Call Robert or Wendy at 604-777-6124 for more info. * Juan Losada of Systems and Computing and his wife Claudia Fandino, an auxilliary in the Registrar’s Office, became very proud, new Canadian Citizens on October 21. * Congratulations to Chris Davies of the Bookstore on his wedding. Davies married Heather Payne (Davies now), the daughter of Foundation Treasurer Bill Payne on October 12 at UBC’s Cecil Green Park. * Learning Resources welcomes Jennifer Dougimun Secretary Generals (and Douglas College students) Anneliese Ganske (left) and Merrill Farmer (right) facilitate discussion at Minimun. Douglas College International Model United Nations, set for February 7 to 10 at the College. Students from Douglas College and around the world will take Matthews as their new evening Collections Control Assistant and Gretchen Goertz as the library’s new Technical Services/Public Services Librarian. Goertz begins on December 1 and will have the opportunity to work for a few days with Penny Swanson who leaves for a new position at SFU at the end of the year. Chemistry instructor Keith Ellis is coordinating the implementation of the Luminis (Campus Pipeline) system at the College. He is working closely with CEIT to ensure a smooth startup of this product. Ellis’ first priority was establishing an Implementation Committee, and he hopes the College community will take the opportunity to work on this exciting project. Contact Ellis at 604-527-5411. Carmen Mahood has moved from Humanities and Social Sciences to Language and Cultural on the roles of diplomats in a mock United Nations setting based on the theme: A World in Turmoil — Terrorism in the 21* Century. Facilitator until August 2004 replacing Lani Hyde, who is on maternity leave. Alida Cherry is the new Biology Lab Supervisor replacing Myrta Hayes who resigned. In the Registrar's Office, Jennifer Gifford moves from auxiliary to regular as Information Services Assistant. She replaces Maureen Clarke who has replaced Trish Adams who resigned as Departmental Assistant II in Health Sciences. In Student Services, Ann Kim moves from Assessment Officer in the Office of the Registrar to Centre for Disabled Students Facilitator replacing Kim Longmuir. Longmuir is now the Learning Centre Co- ordinator, taking over from Donna McGee Thompson who has a new position at SFU. Send text-only files to INside editor, CMO, Room 4700, New Westminster Campus; e-mail to; or call 604-527-5325. Printed by the Douglas College Printshop. ‘ INside Douglas College is published by the Communications & Marketing Office the first Tuesday of each month. Submissions and story ideas are welcome; deadline for January is December 10.