College and community nurture Green Links Working fora Safer Campus uring June’s Health and Safety Week, employees learned vital tips on how to prepare for and react to major emergencies such as earthquakes. But ensuring safety in the workplace involves more than planning for “the big one.” At Douglas College, there’s a very committed group of people who work to make the campus a sater place every day. “We have students, we have staff, we have faculty,” says Safer Campuses Standing Committee Co-Chair Pat Thomasson. “And the level of enthusiasm is high.” The Committee meets regularly to deal with issues of student and employee safety, such as awareness, incident reporting and security levels around the College. Pat’s co-chair Liz Wilson will serve as the Safer Campuses Coordinator into September, 1996, and has already been hard at work applying Committee recommendations. “Print Futures student Nathalie Siemens has prepared a safety guide that will be printed by the fall of 1996,” Wilson reports. “Business students are helping us with a home page, and over the summer work-study students will compile safety awareness materials for distribution during student orientation. We're thinking about doing a newsletter, too.” Wilson, along with Sate Walk Coordinator Tuan Nguyen, has also recently approached faculty about scheduling safety presentations in the classroom. Anyone interested in getting involved with this project should call Liz Wilson at local 5665. Other projects planned for the fall semester include building links with Coquitlam community policing and victim assistance programs. “Starting in September, I'll be going to the David Lam Campus two days a week,” says Wilson. “There, I'Il be working very closely with the local high schools to improve safety awareness across the entire new site.” Regular safety programs such as Wenlido classes and Safe Walk will also be offered in the fall. | A City of Coquitlam Parks staffer helps Eagle Ridge Elementary students plant some local flora during the Green Links Pilot Project launch held recently near Guildford Way. During July and August, the Institute of Urban Ecology, along with B.C. Gas and the Douglas College Foundation, is sponsoring an Amelia Douglas Gallery show of the finalists from the “Envisioning a City—Home to People and Nature” photo contest. For more information, contact Marty Sulek at local S521 Quote of the Month: "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" - Soren Kierkegaard