MEMORANDUM DATE: June 23, 1987 TO: . All Personnel © FROM: Bill Day RE: SECTION 66 REPORT Section 66 of the College and Institute Act requires that every five years, the College Justify to the Minister, its continued existence. The following report was approved by the Board at their meeting of June 18, and sent to the Honourable Stanley Hagen. June 18, I987. The Hon. Stanley B. Hagen, Minister, Ministry of Advanced Education & Job Training, Parllament Bulldings, Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4 Dear Mr. MinIister: Re: Sectlon 66 Report Since our last report In March, 1982, Douglas College has undergone many changes. The College has exper lenced great enrollment growth since 1982 (see Appendix |.) Some of this growth resulted from new programs added to the College's occupational programs; some Is attributable to Increased demand for existing occupational and academic programs. lt became evident, however, that the Increased enrollments at the College were only Satisfying a portlon of a growing level of unmet demand for training spaces and educational opportunity. Documentation of this unmet demand has been provided to Ministry officials ona regular basis. PLANNING: The College, through Its strategic planning activitles, has Identified several areas of curricular and professional strength and community need upon which to base further development. We are pleased to report that your Ministry has accepted our Intentions and severa! new programs have been @avprovec and funded. Briefly, these areas Include: