MAD HATTER | 11 NEW AUDIO-VISUAL ACQUISITIONS DECEMBER, 1986 Automating the Office: VHS 30 mins. each More than a Machine: Introduction to Office Automation: Asked to investigate the pros and cons of the electronic office, Roy Prinell, Allan Manufacturing's marketing manager, receives help from an unexpected source. Concepts: digital technology, integration, social and organizational effects. The Report: Decision-Support Tools: While tackling an overdue report, Roy discovers how his new workstation can help, and some of the new skills demanded by the new technology. Concepts: productivity measures, distributed processing, user interfaces and job effects. "The Revolt": Secretaries and the Changing Office: Roy's office-automation project causes alarm among Allan Manufacturing's support staff. Concepts: word processing - functions and technologies, specialization vs general office work, training requirements, and new career paths. The Delta File: Information Storage and Retrieval: An important file that doggedly eludes Roy spurs him to make information storage and retrieval his number one office automation priority. Concepts: computer storage, CAR/COM, electronic filing, optical disks, security. Routes and Relationships: Information Management: Accused by the data-processing manager of disrupting information management in the company, Roy investigates the new technology's potential to meet individual and corporate information requirements. Concepts: hierarchical and relational data-bases, creation of databases, role of the data-processing department, access to databases. .