Employment Opportunity Applications for students who are interested in working as hosts/hostesses for the B.C. Pavilion at Expo '86, are now available in the Student Finance and Placement Office. Students must be available to work from April 14th, 1986 through October 15th, 1986. Interested students will be asked if they meet a number of different qualifications for the position, before they will be given an application form. Applications must be returned to our office, with a resume, by May Ist, 1985. Mad Hatter Page 4 list of activities as Nominations must be received in the Student Finance Office by nomination and a per requirement (b). Friday, April 26th, 1985. For further information, please contact the Student Finance Office, 520-5486. Summer Hours OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR 1000 to 1600 hours Monday to Friday Effective April 26 to August 16, 1985 Students who are interested in this oppor- tunity should contact Student Finance and Placement Services. Graduation Awards The following awards are available to students in the 1985 graduation class. l. Certified General Accountants Association A $600 scholarship to be applied to the students first year C.G.A. tuition fees. Interested students should submit a Douglas College scholarship application to the Student Finance Office by April 26, 1985. 2. George Wootten Scholarship Students who meet the following cri- teria may be nominated by a fellow student, or a faculty, or staff member from Douglas Col lege. a) The student must have demonstrated siqnificant academic success. b) The student must have made contri- bution to community and/or college extra-curricula or voluntary activities, that are not a require; ment of the College program. Nominations should include a letter of Educational Policy & Planning Committee As you know, April 30th is the expiry date for one half of the membership of the Educational Policy & Planning Committee. For retiring members, April 10th was their final meeting. On May 8th, new members will join continuing members for their first meeting. In that sense, April marks EPPCO's year end. Therefore, at the April 10th meeting, EPPCO received the following recapitulation of their year's activities, recommendations and decisions. I+ is reprinted here for your information. If you would like any additional information on any of these items, feel free to contact your represen- tative on EPPCO, or my office. | would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Educational Policy | & Planning Committee for their efforts on behalf of the College over the past year. Bill Day it