cane: 1, 1982 esa eee ‘COMES TO DOUGLAS COLLEGE _ A Telidon terminal has been installed in the McBride ‘Site Library for six months as part of the B.C. ‘Telephone's field trial. Telidon is the name for an electonic, interactive information and commmication system. Services that can be provided through Telidon are information retrieval, electronic messaging, computer-aided instruction and teleshopping. The user can ob- tain from a computer, via the tele- phone network a wide variety of in- formation ior display on a T.V. set. The other equipment is a decoder which translates the "computerese" See down the line into an image on nected to the T-V. ieee. for user com mands. Telidon is easy to use, and has ex- cellent colour and graphics. Why not come into the library and use the various data-bases including Market- scan which contain: daily. quotations for stocks listed on the Toronto, New York, Montreal, Alberta and Vancouver jes. Grassroots is also a Telidon based agricultural information system provided by Infomart in Winnipeg. It provides the agriculture industry with information on weather, _commodi- ties, farm implements and financial advice. ‘The Ottawa Telidon data-base has government service information as well as local business advertising. The Department of Commmications fore- casts that there will be Telidon ter- minals in 65% of Canadian homes by the end of the decade. The library holds a daily demonstration at 3:00 p.m. - so come and use the ter- minal - it's a great and fin information source. WHEELCHAIR VOLLEYBALL DEMONSTRATION Qn Tuesday, February 16, a volleyball team sponsored by the Canadian Wheel- chair Sports Association will challenge two Douglas College Volleyball teams to a match. The C.W.S.A. team will consist of 2 wheelchair players and one able-bodied player. The purpose of this event is to demonstrate m- bility and recreational potential of © wheelchair bound people as well as provide entertainment. The demonstra- tion will take place at the Winslow Gym at 12:00 p.m. paces your Bich sit back, and be For more si eautesaen Klassen, contact Gladys local 285 McBride Site. — The DOUGLAS | CALENDAR is pres- ently being aaaeed) for the Fall Semester. Please check the appropriate faculty listing in the back of the existing calendar to ensure that you are listed ifications are re- ported accurately. Please advise the Personnel Office of any additions, deletions, changes or corrections by February 8, 1 1982.