RICHMOND OPEN HOUSE Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Douglas College Open House on the Richmond Campus, Thursday, November 15, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Student exhibitions and laboratory facilities for Draft- ing, Fashion, Graphic Arts, Journalism and Fine Arts will be featured. A mini-fashion show will be held at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. For further information, contact Peggy Cromer, Chairman, or any faculty from the participating disciplines. ~-. Peggy Cromer DOUGLAS "COLTS" TOSS MANES WhitehorsesS finest, Marlene and Brian Scheelar, in the company of local thoroughbreds Neil Nielsen and Laci Bujdos, sniffed the wind and thundered off in strong badminston company on the weekend at Westlu's three-day tournament. Neil and Marlene, entered for the mare-stallion event, were left at the post by a pair who eventually galloped to the "A" Flight final. However they picked up the pace and reached the "D" Flight semi-final where they stretched the match to three sets before "taking a trip to the glue factory". Both Brian Scheelar and Laci * Bujdos showed excellent staying power in the singles event, pushing their noses as far as the semi-finals in "C" Flight. Marlene came back to establish herself as top nag of the day by entering in the Fillies Stakes (not to be confused with the 'Mig- non' variety). Here she showed her class to reach the "A" Flight semi-finals, succumbing to No. 2 (hay) seed Maureen Chan, a very experienced and successful pony. Saturday, November 3, the flags will be flapping in the wind at Langara, V.C.C., for Totem competition. Action will consist of men's doubles and ladies' doubles and a dozen or more will spring from the barrier in Douglas colors. (Anyone from student, faculty or staff ranks, is welcome to learn or play at: Len Shepherd Jr. Secondary, Surrey, Mondays, 8 - 10 p.m.; Arenex, New Westminster, 12 - 2 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays; Winslow Campus, Coquitlam, Wednesdays, 7 - 10 p.m. and Thursdays, 7 - 9 p.m.) -.. Robin Ryan TELEPHONE CHANGES David Ayers and Marion Exman, Coquitlam L. 51 will now be at L. 23. Jean Hamer and Ed Redmond, L. 58 will now be at L. 43. Debbie Jackson, Ui. 33," will nowsbe-at EB. 21. RO Le c=