DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES Q Nw Op A Do Hatter | s College Newslett APRIL 23, 1981 a ugla Library Events INTERLIBRARY LOAN SERVICES (ILL) Cammunications/Listening Skills Workshop. Interlibrary loan service between Douglas and Kwantlen will officially "I know that you believe you begin on May 4, 1981. The speed with understand what you think I which interlibrary loan requests are said but I am not sure you completed wiil depend greatly on the realize that what you heard courier schedule that is established be- is not what I meant." tween the two institutions. The Personnel Development Committee Because Douglas and Kwantlen will soon be of B.C.G.E.U. local 59 (Douglas/ exchanging materials on an interlibrary Kwantlen College is pleased to pre- loan basis, rather than intercampus, the sent the following workshop - for libraries will be required to pay for those of you who understood the above each request; therefore, it is recom and for those of us who know we didn't. mended, whenever possible, that you me in nceathier whan, rip en 1s DATES: Mon. May 11, & Wed. May 13. terlibrary loan. TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The fee structure does not apply to the PLACE: New Westminster Campus requesting of films and video materials. (8th & McBride) Room # 708 Kwantlen will participate in ILL with WORKSHOP LEADER: Sheenah Andrews other institutions, effective May 4, Ss 1981. There will be no disruption in Workshop Description service. Sheenah Andrews has had extensive ex- ILL at Douglas will eventually be es- Reka ae an Se tablished at Coquitlam. Since this is Past She ine ft ens eer a new service unit that has to be es- art es oe m Say or th tablished at Douglas from May 4 to = ee ae nae ed ae ; ; ; Therapeutic Recreation Dept, at approximately July 3. This suspension Douglas College Shesich ie pre- of service will allow time to arrange centiv 4 fas om HS writer the necessary equipment and hire and ¥ = train additional staff. Notification The workshop will provide us with a of the resumption of a full ILL service general introduction into inter- at Douglas will be printed in the Mad personal communications, followed by Hatter. and intensive session in listening i skills which will include: attending aes SS ae skills, questions, empathy, para- Because of departmental professional phrasing & summarizing. development, the New Westminster and Coquitlam campus Libraries will be closed Wed. & Thur. May 13 & 14. If it is essential that you have access to the Libraries on those days, please contact Mary Matthews (NW) or Ralph Stanton (Coq.) and arrangements will be made. Please call Barbara Edwards, before May 4, at 524-0371, if you plan to attend the workshop. (Maximum cap- acity is 20 people). areola Virginia Chisholm