—_- 1% The following are guidelines for the submission of briefs to the Task Force un the Community Colleye Briefs are invited from education iustitutions, private organizaticns and individuals, It is hoped the following guidelines will be of assistance in preparing a brief: : STYLE; Typed, double spaced, FORMAT: Cover page to include: - 1. Name of organization/individual Zz. Address/telephone number 3. Author or spokesperson Synopsis or abstract not more than one page, Body of brief Recommendations SYNOPSIS: Each brief, if lengthy, should contain a synopsis (not to exceed one page, single space) on the inside Leak. RECOMMENDATIONS; Any recommendations should be numbered and may be summarized at the end of the brief. ‘ * GENERAL: Any organization or individual that wishes to submit a brief should be preparcd to send forward 14 copies at their expense. Submission of a brief is not a prerequisite to attendance. TIMING: Bricfs nust be submitted to the Task Force on the Community College, Parliainent Buildings, Victoria, British Columbia, by April 26th, 1974. April 19th, 1974 is the last day to indicate a desire to appear at the Task Force public hearings in May. Sub wr Ae ol bv, Dev Lheya'l/ CHF Directoy