issue 16// vol 46 life & style // no. 13 What's Happening » January 27 to February 3 Morgan Hannah Life & Style Editor ill it ever stop raining?! I’ve lived here for five plus years and I’m still not used to all the rain. Honestly, I don’t think it’s even possible to get used to all the rain. And plus? Umbrellas are the worst accessory. Ever. Anyways, here are some indoor activities to get your mind and mood off the weather. Unless you like getting soaked and cold. In which case, this is not the list of activities for you. Comic Night featuring Robyn and Bobin + Date: January 28 + Location: HOOD 29, 4470 Main Street, Vancouver * Time: 7 tog pm + Price: $5 per ticket Good ol’ comedy to get those cockles warmed up. With a night hosted by Adam Jacobson, featuring many guests! Guests include ET Starchild, Bobin Monga, Robin Fashler, Hui Wong, Jay R, and Jeremiah Ukponrefe. Food for Thought—A Taste Experience & Counselling Conversation * Date: January 30 * Location: The Garden Strathcona, 868 East Hastings Street, Vancouver * Time: 6:30 to 9:30 pm * Price: By donation, recommended donation is $20 A conversation about the relationship between food and mental health hosted by WIRTH Hats. A luxurious meal will be prepared, and local companies like Cartems, Stanley Park Brewing, and Wize Spirits will provide delicious treats! Live music will be played by local musican iamtheliving, and there will be an informative question and answer session with a local counsellor who has experience with the downtown eastside. Paint Nite: The Original Paint and Sip Party * Date: January 31 + Location: Sande's Lounge & Banquet Hall, 4990 Canada Way, Burnaby * Time: 7 tog pm * Price: $35 per ticket Wanna get drunk and have fun painting, but are tired of doing it alone in the dark of your room? Come out to Paint Nite and get social, make friends, and show off your skills painting a giant moon! The Wellness Show Vancouver 2020 * Date: February 1 and 2 * Location: Vancouver Convention Centre, West Building, 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver * Time: 10 am to 7 pm on Feb 1, 10 am to 6pm on Feb 2 + Price: $12.50 per ticket for students with valid ID, $20 for a two-day pass It’s in the name of the game, come on down and get well at the wellness show. It’s that time of year when everyone is catching colds and rebounding from new year’s resolutions not gone well. So, this is the perfect place to learn tips and buy tricks to help you out with your wellness! Discount tickets sold online. The Anxiety Show, Ep 18 - F*$% Valentine’s Day! * Date: February 2 * Location: the Kino, 3456 Cambie Street, Vancouver * Time: 8 to 10:30 pm * Price: Tickets are by donation, however $15 is recommended From a show that reoccurs in Vancouver monthly, this special edition encourages you to come get sad about crappy Valentine’s Day with other people who despise the holiday. Who knows—maybe youll find love! The show includes an open mic for the audience, so try it out! You may be a good comedian, or an awful one, but you wont know until you try... Pacific Bluegrass Jam — The Anza Club * Date: February 3 * Location: The Anza Club, 3 West 8th Ave, Vancouver + Time: 7 to11pm + Price: $8 per ticket. $6 if you're a member. Monday nights are for jamming! So, don’t be blue... come out to the Anza Club for one of their reoccurring nights of bluegrass beats.