@ VA Ant-Man steps it up ‘Won't You Be My Neighbor?’ film review Have an idea for a story? Marts@theotherpress.ca q & Superheroes and supervillains, they’re all screwed-up people (¥ YouTube Music Video Classics: Jurina Matsui And more! > ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ film review Greg Waldock Staff Writer kkk ith a few exceptions, the MCU has been ramping upwards in quality and creativity. Each new movie is better and bolder than the last. Ant- Man and the Wasp happily follows this trend, proving that the Marvel movies still haven’t gotten stale. Moving out of superhero capital that is New York City, Ant-Man and the Wasp takes place entirely in San Francisco, following Ant-Man—ex- con Scott Lang—as he tries, and fails, to keep out of the heroics game. This movie is all about the Pym legacy: It has two Ant-Men, two Wasps, one Goliath, and a whole lot of the Quantum Realm. There’s lots to love for movie and comic fans alike, a hallmark characteristic of Marvel movies this year. Despite a troubled filming with the late departure of Edgar Wright, the first Ant-Man was a successful foray into a straight-up comedy for Marvel. It and its sequel are loosely based on Nick Spencer’s 2015 Astonishing Ant-Man comic run, and the films follow the successor to the harrowed Ant-Man legacy, Scott Lang. Unlike most superhero titles, the Ant-Men of Marvel tend to have deeply flawed personalities—Hank Pym has bursts of outrage and an unmatched arrogance, Scott Lang is a repeat criminal who falls into endless self-destructive cycles of greed, and so on. The films focus on this for their drama to pretty great effect. Scott Lang is a more rounded character than most of the big-league heroes out there. Ant-Man and the Wasp also proves once and for all that the folks behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe are listening to feedback. The most common critique of the original is that Darren Cross was a lame, uninspired, and unmotivated villain. Ant-Man and the Wasp responds to that with Ghost, a character with an interesting backstory and unique powers put to good use. To say more would be to spoil the whole film, but Ghost is one of the most interesting villains yet in the MCU and is radically different from their comic counterpart. The use of powers is another thing Ant-Man and the Wasp succeeds in. Ant-Man can grow giant, the Wasp can fly in tight spaces, Ghost can phase through objects, and everyone can warp any object smaller or larger. The combat sequences put this to full and creative use. Fight scenes are weird and dynamic, taking turns and offering visuals that could only happen with these specific sets of powers used by people who know them. It’s an absolute pleasure to see any superhero movie embrace the superpowers of the characters. Though pacing is iffy partway through and it lacks the bold worldbuilding of Black Panther or Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp is an excellent improvement for a very strange film series. Ten years later: A ‘The Last Airbender’ retrospective > The show that balanced maturity and goofiness like none other Greg Waldock Staff Writer O: July 18 and 19, 2008, the last episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender aired on Nickelodeon. “Sozin’s Comet,” the four-part finale, wrapped up three seasons of what would become a massive cult hit that slowly grew in popularity over the years. A decade after its conclusion, we can now take a look back at this strange, goofy, yet surprisingly serious show, and why it’s only gotten more popular with time. For the uninitiated, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an anime-inspired American cartoon that focuses on Aang, a little boy running away from his responsibilities as the Avatar—a reincarnating protector of the world—and learning how to come to terms with his identity. It can be seen as a precursor to shows like Steven Universe and Adventure Time: Wacky adventures aimed for kids, yet with dynamic characters and well-thought-out worlds. The two driving characters in the show are Aang, the titular Last Airbender, and Zuko, a prince of the imperial Fire Nation seeking redemption. They compliment each other more than they contrast: Both are outcasts, both seek redemption for past personal failures, both fail again throughout the run of the show, and both accept themselves honestly to try to fix the world. Of all the many characters in this show, it might be Zuko that’s most fondly remembered for having a dynamic character and believable transformation. Everybody has a character they identify with most in Avatar. Personally, I found Sokka to be the most relatable—a sarcastic older brother trying to find his talent in a world of amazing abilities and phenomena. Even the best worldbuilding is meaningless without identifiable and likeable characters to fill it, and this is Avatar'’s greatest strength. So many arcs and backstories and personalities are worked into every episode of the show, but it never feels crowded and nobody is out of place. Everyone’s story works to help the larger narrative, a colossal three-season buildup culminating in the fall of the Fire Nation and Aang’s ascension to full Avatar. The tight story is what separates Avatar from other shows of the time. There are very few filler episodes and it’s all building to a single logical conclusion, from the premier to the finale. This cohesiveness also separates The Last Airbender from its sequel series, Avatar: The Legend of Korra. The Last Airbender was guaranteed three seasons from the start, while The Legend of Korra was cancelled at the end of each season, removing the possibility for long arcs and satisfying endings. The Last Airbender also took full advantage of its uniqueness—it was not a sequel, prequel, spinoff, or rip-off of anything on air at the time. It could be, and was, incredibly creative with its artistic inspirations and ideology. Avatar ushered in an era of kids’ shows that could dabble in mature themes and have sophisticated characters. While it was never a huge ratings success, it proved that there was both a market for this content and a large number of creators willing to try something bold. A lot more can be said about the show: Its excellent music, the amazing voice acting from such a young cast, the movie adaptation and all its flaws, and the philosophy that deepens as the show goes on. The number of amazing things The Last Airbender has going for it is nothing short of astounding. Even if there’s never another sequel show, at least we'll always have this one near-perfect gem of television. It changed what kids’ television was allowed to do—1o years later, the legacy of Avatar: The Last Airbender is only getting stronger. Poster for ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ "Gaang’ by Allagea via DeviantArt