_ ey a, PN PE ee ee ear we = “~ & & & 8 ms S % yn = & 8 A by Chris Page restart whit turning from 2nd St. onto Royal Ave. in the parade to celebrate the move to the new campus Dec. 8. Perhaps the failure of the car engine as it headed tow- ards the new building sym- bolized the direction of post- secondary education in B.C. About 300 students and personnel and 25 cars trek- ked from the old McBride trailers to the new Royal site despite cold weather and ap- proaching final exams. Most cars bore signs like ‘“‘Geography,’’ ‘‘College Bo- ard,’’ and ‘‘Douglas College Student Society.’’ A few slo- gans were political, like ‘Support students, not Soc- reds,’’ and ‘‘$40 million for the building, how much for the students?’’ which comm- ented that the budget allows The green 1966 MG stalled and refused to for only enough classes to fill half the building. Although 12-2 p.m. classes were announced as cancelled some classes like Con Rea’s Psychology 200 were held in that timeslot. When the trek reached the new campus, the college band inspired some informal dancing and acrobatics. EDP’s vehicle, disguised as a computer, won a trophy for ‘‘best decorated car.”’ College President Bill Day said ‘‘thank you’’ to those who participated and then the trekkies drank beer, part- ly at the Student Society’s expense. ‘“‘We were short of ideas on what we (could) have down (at the new campus after the match),’’ said Student Soci- ety President Tim Shein. “It’s rather boring to have -Trekkies March To Half Empty Campus free hot dogs (at McBride) and then get (to Royal) and have. some” more free hot dogs.” When students took the pol- litical posters off the cars and taped them on the railings on the concourse, Student Soci- ety rep Les Pandak tore them down. Shein said it was bec- ause ‘‘they didn’t get permi- ssion first.”’ Unlike the drivers with anti- cutbacks posters, the Stud- ent Society car lacked polit- ical slogans. ‘‘I don’t think it would have been the time and place,’ said Society rep Stewart Woolverton. Photo by Sean Valentini The Prime Minister of Canada graced Douglas College with his presence as students trek to the new campus ec tree te a fa er Ss ee Ne re ee Sa es ue