AND WHEREAS the Panel is satisfied that notice of the complaint and the hearing referred to below has been adequately effected on the Respondent; AND WHEREAS the Council has convened a hearing at its offices at 1275 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. on Wednesday, January 6, 1988 at which the Applicant appeared and was represented by Counsel and at which the Respondent did not appear, although duly notified of the hearing; AND WHEREAS the Panel is satisfied on the basis of the submissions of the Applicant and the evidence adduced before it that the Respondent has declared or authorized a strike against the Applicant pursuant to a vote taken on or about December 14, 1987, which vote was not taken in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act or Regulations; AND WHEREAS the Panel is satisfied that the strike notice issued by the Respondent to the Applicant on or about January 3, 1988 is in contravention of Section 81 of the Industrial Relations Act and Regulations; AND WHEREAS the Panel is satisfied that pursuant to Section 81(2) of the Industrial Relations Act, the Respondent should be directed that, if another vote is conducted, it shall be taken on the terms the Council considers necessary or advisable. NOW THEREFORE, THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COUNCIL, PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 28 AND 81 OF THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT, MAKES THE FOLLOWING DECLARATIONS AND ORDERS: Ky The Industrial Relations Council orders and declares that the strike vote taken by the Respondent on or about December 14, 1987 is void and of no force and effect; 2. The Industrial Relations Council further orders and declares that the strike notice issued by the Respondent on or about January 3, 1988 is void and of no force and effect;