THE Mad Hatter Page 4 MISSION STATEMENT MISSION OF THE COLLEGE AND INSTITUTE SYSTEM OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IS TO PROVIDE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNTITIES TO ASSIST ADULTS TO MEET CONTINUING AND CHANGING INDIVIDUAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIETAL NEEDS. THESE OPPORTUNITIES WILL BE PROVIDED IN: SUMMARY A. Be 1. THE CONTEXT OF INDIVIDUALS' ASPIRATIONS, 2. THE PRESENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS OF PROVINCIAL AND CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 3. THE BUDGETARY SITUATION AND PRIORITIES OF GOVERNMENT, 4. THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE PROVINCE AS DEFINED THROUGH LEGISLATION. PHILOSOPHY OF DOUGLAS COLLEGE STATEMENT OF COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY: The College's purpose is to offer opportunities for organized learning. The College provides learning opportunities in order to: i. assist students to develop a social awareness and conscience; ii. allow students to better themselves and their communities through increased knowledge and skilts; iii. assist students to become employable or to enhance their social or economic opportunities and status; iv. enable students to fully express their creative potential in aesthetic as well as applied pursuits. The College organizes a readily accessible, comprehensive set of learning opportunities. It provides for the student who is not intending to move to other institutions and for the student who does use the College as a “stepping stone" to universities, vocational schools, or technical institutes. The College provides a wide range of learning experiences and therefore limits its commitment to any one program or field of learning activities.