NAME l. OBJECTS Ze LOCATION Sis MEMBERSHIP Classes of Members Voting Members Non-voting Members Honourary Life Members *Full Members Cc CONSTITUTION as APPROVED 27 OCTOBER 1975 - GENERAL MEETING The The 201 Zaid 2.3 2.4 202 The in School Districts of NEW WESTMINSTER name of the Society is "Douglas College Faculty Association," objects of the Society are: the professional interests To promote the welfare and as College; of its members and Dougl To assist in protecting and enhancing the freedom and quality of teaching, thought and enquiry within the College; To co-operate with other bodies whose interests are similar, in particular with provincial, national, and international associations of colleges and universities; To deal with other matters considered to be in the interests of the Association, its members, or the College; To regulate relations between Douglas College Council and members of las Faculty Association, the Doug operations of the Society are to be carried on chiefly participating Boards of Douglas College. 1.1 Membership shall of three classes, namely Honourary Life Member or Associate Member. 1.2.1 Full members in geod standing shall be voting members, 1.2.2 Honourary Life Members and Associate Members shall be non-voting rembers, 1.3 Honourary Life Membership may be granted anyone whom the Association may wish to honour for outstanding service to Douglas College. 1.4.1 Full membership is open to all employees of Douglas College as specified in the Certificate issued by the Labor Relations Board /ยข- to the Faculty Association.