= = Thursday, February 6, 1975 cer A DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY noe ARCHIVES AFTERNOON Moderator: N. Stewart Madil!, M.D. "Resources for the Cardiac Patient and Family in the Communi ty" 1330 Introductions 1340 Cardiologist C. Eve Rotem, M.D. 1350 Public Health Nurse Jane Addison, R.N. 1400 Open Heart Group 1410 Y.M.C.A. Cardiac Monitoring Programme John Armstrong 1420 Think and Stretch Time 1425 Psychiatrist Peter Bunton, M.D. 1435 Social Worker Tom Teranishi, R.S.W. 1445 B.C. Heart Foundation Penelope Gibson 1455 Write out questions. 1500 Afternoon Break [525 Reconvene, Discussion amongst registrants 1530 Panel: Questions and Discussion 1620 Summary by Moderator 1625 Symposium Evaluation Shirley Stokes, R.N. 1630 Adjourn