The Oracle Odin Zavier the other press March 19, 2003 March 19/2003 — April 24/2003 Ah, spring is here—smell the freshness in the air. Spring marks the period of, well, youve guessed it, beginnings and growth. Thats how I have observed the seasons to work. Spring is the time to prepare the land for the sowing of seeds. You can see the land as your mind and the seeds as the plans you have been contem- plating. New action is taking place in nature, and its time to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. Take up a new sport or physical activity. By the time sum- mererolls around, itll be a solid habit in your daily activity. Imagine the amount of energy it takes for a seed to open, grow roots, and then push with all of its ener- gy and focus toward the light against gravity. You have the same work ahead of you when developing a new habit. This spring let nature be your mentor as you grow another ring of wisdom and knowl- edge in your life. Circle each CAPITALIZED word for a celestial message. Remember. Aries: The lesson for you is to ASK. You must ask for assistance from those who would offer help to you (mentors, guides, astrologers, angels, etc.) By asking that you open up the channel for communica- tion and guidance. Happy birthday! A tradition I like for my birth date is to make a few sandwiches, go downtown and hand them to people who ask for money. This gift brings blessings to everyone involved for the following year. Reflect on the past year and then set goals for the next. Taurus: March 29 to April 21 will bring much beauty into your life. Sit down and read some good, romantic love poetry. Fill your soul with life. How are your finances? Keep on track, loosen up and relax. I rec- ommend the local comedy club to laugh a lot. Be smart with your consumption of substances, the one thing I recommend on overdoing is drinking WATER! Your lesson is to MEDITATE. This is often the fastest way for spiritual, emotional, men- tal, and physical growth. Gemini: Learning a lot about discipline in the last year, eh? How’s your career? I recommend, if you haven't already done it, to whip your mind in shape. There are two things you can exercise in the human body. The first are the muscles and the second is the brain. Your lesson is to FORGIVE. Most everyone needs to forgive someone for something (even oneself). When you for- give, you release built-up stress and ten- sion along with other things that need to be released. Cancer: Aries will get you out of your comfort zone. Live a little and get out. Go have a good crab dinner. Invite a date rekindle the love in your life. March 29 to April 21 will be good for romance, but only if you make yourself available. Your lesson is BODYWORK. Get in tune with your body, your temple. Treat your body right and raise your vibration. This works in conjunction with everything else. Leo: TEACHERS: Look around for mentors and teachers. Invite them into your life, both the visible and the invisible. Let them know that you are ready for the next step in your evolution and that ‘you are ready to fulfill your purpose and mission. Handle finances with care and get your home in order. Label everything if you have to _— (especially if your partner is a Pisces). Just be nice when asking for what you want. Please assume the positive, and you will see that you will attract exactly what you thought you would. The last seven years have been tough, now you can relax. Expect some great news and oppor- tunities to pop up. Virgo: ATTUNE: Attune yourself to your higher mind, channel knowledge and wisdom. There are guides all around wanting to your force to accomplish your desires. The divine is supporting your decisions. There’s a good chance that you will win your heart’s desires. Oppositions will make you stronger. In general, this year has been good, expansive and profitable in all ways. Your lesson is the NOW. Don’t live in memories of the past, or dreamy visions of the future. Live in the moment—fully. Now is the magic of the past, present and future. Scorpio: Your lesson is to MANIFEST. Create your reality the way you want it to be. Clear out the old and create a vacuum from which new things can manifest in your assist you in your purpose as an ambassa- dor of reality. These guides are the gate- keepers who serve your highest good. Be open, flexible and compassionate with yourself and those you are surrounded with. Expect a great weight to life in about five months. Continue to dig into your unconscious mind, share what you have discovered. Get organized and prepare for some good changes! Libra: New adventures will arise from March 19 to April 4 and beyond. It is a time to set your career objectives. Go out with all of life. Continue to be wise with your finances. If you haven't, now is the time to learn. Release the old picture of you and create a new version. You can create a long-term financial plan for yourself from April 5 to April 21 of perhaps revisit the current one—is it where you want it to be? Sagittarius: From March 29 to April 21 love can get a little steamy. Keep those flames burn- ing—find excitement in helping people. Especially those you care for. Go out of your way to show your affections. Remember, offer freely. When you do you learn your lesson. ALLOW things to unfold naturally. Let go. Have faith. Trust. You will continue to make penetrating personal psychological discoveries. Dive deeper into your nature, the gold is in hand. Be disciplined and grounded. Enjoy stillness and silence. Capricorn: This month is a challenge for you to slow down and enjoy the surroundings. Although you can complete some impor- tant work, and catch up on all you have wanted to finish. Pace yourself. There's a lot of force and energy pushing you for- ward—keep focused and balanced. Let someone else lead you might enjoy the rest. March 29 to April 21 looks good for affairs of the heart. Pay attention to your romantic interests. Write some poetry. Send it in to a paper and get it published. Your lesson is to BLESS each moment and every situation in its perfection Aquarius: Get in touch with the spirit of your inner life—it’s demanding attention and reflec- tion. MEDITATE. From April 5 to April 19 you can communicate with force and will. Be gentle and think before what you say even if you know the truth. This is a time to be diplomatic. This phase will make you mentally and socially stronger. Think about your long-term investments and see if there’s more you can do in this area. Your lesson is to VISUALIZE. Picture white light coming down and sur- rounding your whole being, filling your body and essence with clean, powerful, loving energy. Pisces: For the next seven years you will have a chance to make major changes in your character. Who do you want to associate with? There’s a story I heard somewhere about a sage offering information about people and how their future would turn out. He said that he could tell you how your life would fare just by talking to your friends. Your lesson is LOVE. Unconditional love is the way to share the beauty within you with all those whose lives you touch. Bring love into a difficult situation and watch it transform positive- ly. Written By Odin page 23 ©