GC) Well hello there people, Oh...my...God, was that Welcome Back Pub Night the bomb or what? Are kids still saying “the bomb” these days? How about the shiznit? Is that better? Yes, much. The Other Press staff is always up for a good party, especially when it’s hosted by those swell DSU folks, they are so spe- cial—we love them so. Speaking of pub nights and parties...boy howdy, have we got a doozy coming up. If you’ve got your calendars handy, put a big red circle around October 14 my friends. That’s the night of the Other Press/DSU Rock’n Prom Night. There will be streamers, balloons, dreamy guys and gals in swank prom wear, prizes, dancing, cake, and the rockin’est rock band that ever r¢ »>cked—Rock’n. These tab fellas from Vancouver Cincinnati?) put on one hell of a performance. They'll take you back to the good ol’days when rock shows were serious business. Seriously funny business anyway. Leather jackets, torn jeans, killer jumps, and some kickass-badass-lock up your daughters (and sons)-style rock’n roll. You do not want to miss this show. Trust me. So get out your tuxedo shirts and party gowns, load up on hairspray and spiked punch, and make your way down to the OProm Pub Night in the DSU building on October 14. Oh, and I don’t want to unduly influence anyone or anything, but I really, really, want to be prom queen. There ts very little I won’t do to win your vote. Except that. Jesus, you’re a sick one aren’t your Before you run away to go snatch up the per- fect corsage/boutonniere for your lovely prom date, take a moment to read through this week’s Other Press. As usual the OP is hotter than that cute little wallflower you’ve been eying all night. We've got articles on censorship, asteroids, Von Dutch, George W., Shark Tal, These Arms Are Snakes, running, basketball...you name it we got it. Plus, J.J.’s up to his usual “Right Hook” shenani- gans and we welcome Joel Koette back with “Follow the Rainbow.” This issue is sooo fine, its dance card will be full all night. See you at the prom. Hugs and Nisses, —Amanda Aikman OChober = G/2000 Student Union Forces UNBC Paper to Recall ISSue.............cceccccesecccesececeesceseesseeseessueees L Hey Prince George: Lick Our Balls, Man .......0....ccccccccessecccssceceeseeceseseseessueseeeaeeesees \, Nighttime March Fights Violence Against Women ................c0cccsecccssccsseeceseecseeeesaeeeeees 5 NE NTN fori ah as ineivccahincnh de ] ee Oh) Ae 8 nT EG isc ees ses Seacss ooadcsncecldidachan ee hated 8 IMEI No.1 os cys eduerenacw innncanelc cnabinanicis oi cok gla eae eee 9 MOS 55st tis sa vieedlesdsrnegniyds s03e eal gal yy ieee dese 9 INE sg. hace ess reasiceekani hs eae Baaaruiejouch i@iumatia ne eee eed 10 ects sacs fescssee-Csaaass Sadkl cesdastuhinies aieiees ane aneeges l SL) |) le Pub Night at the DSU—Are we in college nOW? .o........cceeecseccesseccsscccssseesseecsueeessaeeees le These Arms Are Snakes: Qxeneers or The Lion Sleeos When Its Antelope Go Home, CD Review ............ 13 Muse Rocks Student's Socks Off, Concert REVIEW ...........0..csccccsssesessssesesseseseeseseeeeeees 1B ee UNNI acne se cle Cei situs ceechocees micduebdaesgelaemisnr mk bene Ih MII 565i eccars sai sete och, Lita Moda e eae Ih Gravion\olumes and 2, Anime REVIEW ...............cccceccesecsssecseeseseescsscssescseeacusstene 15 TION Fist ae Ib RONG 5. oii i nciiticinen Gomniii eae ees 1 MN ick EAR de, UE aida eee ede 20 NS iio sachs seanericss ch abe eas a IN al WRN IES soos ckrcsocecsecccanssa ced idovicd dels ssal De eee ea NE ail kleine seca ea ee ae ee DUHEPPPeSS | 3