MADHATTER PAGE 2 : oF REPORT TO BOARD (Cont. ) reflect credit on Ms. Chudnovsky and her colleagues in the Community and newspapers, most of which I construe Programs & Servi by to be positive in its general effect, Srv LOSS DLVLSLh even though the subject matter in some te hav ae cases has related to our fiscal difficulties ene oe fram and the associated reductions - ected by the . radical reduction in the part-time I have discussed with Mr. Emerton a ees The matter is under question of the "dividing line” between oo my proper role in talking to media persons, . ee ee memset ane: he Chet ean D. Internal Matters - Student . Affairs and Labour Relations is eee Matters - Education Develop- A great deal of time has been spent —— in discussions with representatives The Board agreed in August to delay Girne Pao Tey Association regarding the workshop that had been arranged with ee eee ke adie Joy Leach of Malaspina College regarding AE 4 di . cal feee the cammunity relationship. I have re- o the SCUsS, Sean = quested Mr. Doerr to Sescietote the within the existing contract have workshop, in early October if possible. been ene = ee ae b Members of the Board will be informed as OG LOREEN. Wat Dave DOGe Gna By arrangements are made the end of the month. The Educational Policy & Planning Committee of eee ee ee has reviewed the current college situation appri ead. oF eae develes es) and regarding the Revised Restraint Program, possible future difficulties. Relation- as a context for its activities for the academic year. In late July, it reviewed the 5-Year Plan at its present stage of development, and provided me with a detailed | critique. It is apparent that major revision | O£ the plan as developed to date is required. Concurrently, the current Restraint Program throws a different light on the 5 Year Plan, which may well necessitate major, if not total revision, of the decument. I expect that within a month, we will be making pro- gress on it. We have received approval of a curriculum development contract with the Ministry of Education on expanding Women's Access to Non-Traditional Employment. This resulted from an initiative from Rita Chudnovsky, one of our Community Programmers. The concept of the project, and its approval, ships with the three unions, in my perception, continue to be open and cooperative. E. Internal Matters - General Registration was well organized, and went off smoothly, in spite of a considerable increase in student registration, and a considerable reduction in our program offerings. I find that I prefer baby-sitting from time to time, to being President of Douglas College. With this in mind, I have requested the Registrar's indulgence in once more being scheduled as chief baby-sitter at the next registration. Seriously, I would like to pay tribute to the total effort carried out by all staff