fe > CENTRE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION |. The UBC FACULTY OF EDUCATION, in cooperation with the Centre for Continuing Education, announces a short course of interest to .....professional and lay persons concerned with the organization and administration of post- secondary institutions: .....students, teachers, administrators, trustees and interested citizens from colleges, technical institutes and univer- sities. The course may be taken on a non-credit basis or for 1 units of credit. ADMINISTRATION OF POST SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS Selected problems in the administration of post-secondary educational institutions -- colleges, technical SAREE ESEEE y vocational schools, universities. Included in this year's course: -«ee--Changing attitudes toward post-secondary education -.e..recent proposals for modifying the relationships between governments and post-secondary institutions --..-problems emerging in Board (Council)- Administration - Faculty relationships in various types on institutions --..-the altering roles of faculty associations, student governments, alumni associations -----implications for the organization and administration of post-secondary institutions SET SER PEB A OL 2 Format: lectures, panels, discussions, case studies, individual research - projects. Staff: Dr. Jamie H.A. Wallin, Associate Professor in Education Adminis- tration, UBC, assisted by specialists from other disciplines and fron _ several other institutions of higher learning and government departments. Schedule: Thursday, October 24, 1974, 1-5 p.m. and 7-9: 30 p.m.; Friday, October 25, 1974, 9-5 p.m.; Saturday, October 26, 1974, 9-12 noon and the same schedule for November 21-23, 1974. To accommodate persons employed in post-secondary institutions the course will be offered in two 3-day sessions separated by a l-month interval to permit the carrying out of a research project and selected reading assign- ments. Each session will commence on a Thursday at 1:00 p.m. and will end at noon the following Saturday. Location: The first meeting will be held in Room 307, Vancouver Public Library, 750 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Fees: $37.50 for non-credit students; $54.00 for undergraduate, un- - Glassified or qualifying credit; $94.00 for credit towards a graduate program. : APPLICATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM DON PORTER a. 5 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER 8, CANADA, TELEPHONE (604) 228-2181 /