‘ . / ; x « A. WORKSHOP SERIES ON ROLE-FREE PARENTING ie chs al ‘ ie My ) ' \ \ Ae 1 oe ° Sponsored By: ‘ ee 4 ea | ee ISHTAR WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTRE SCHOOL DISTRICT #35 (LANGLEY) av) pes DOUGLAS COLLEGE 5S ‘ Traditionally, boys have been encouraged to be competitive, aggressive, and independent; girls have been rewarded for being passive, dependent, and "co-operative." Boys are yiven chemistry sets and microscopes; girls receive dolls and tea sets. Boys are doers. Girls are watchers. Does it need to be this way? No! Today's children can be given the opportunity to develop their full potential free from the restrictions and inhibitions of role stereotypes. Interested adults are invited to attend a series of four evening workshops which will not only consider the problems of child rearing, but also offer concrete ideas for chanue. The personal needs of children from pre-school age to adoles- cence will be discussed. WORKSHOP RESOURCE PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Elinor Ames, Ms. Linda’ Shuto, Psychology, S.F.U. B.C. Teachers’ Federation “\ Ms. Sylvia McFayden , 4 Ms. Reva Dexter, Douglas College Hamber Secondary Schosi FOUR SESSIONS STAFFORD SECONDARY SChHocL October 16, 23, 30 Room 210-212 Langley, B.C. November 6, 1973 ears T330=10) pms FEE $6 Person $9 Couple REGISTRATION IS LIMITED 4