February 4, 4004 Culture é the ather press @ Nothin Less Than Just What the Country Wants— ime Ted Marrisen OP Caniibuler the Yale. Ia Vancouver the nanie reeks af the blues: The low-ceilinged, brick-walled building an Granville is : dimly lig musical eefuge fram the lasipid disea rhythms that thump fram the speakers af passing Fast and Furigus wannabes Inside, the venue is HAique: Making Ag caneesslans te iis awA papHlatiey On a Saturday night ifs 4 standing ream crawd: Fartunately tonights a Tuesday The film crew fram UBC picked a gaed night te film part of thelr documentary an the blues here: A camera triped eecuples part af the seating area clase fa Fhe stage, and Fwe portable cameras weave through he sparse mid-week erawd: These preparatigns have been made hecause i serene dacHmentary about the blues in Vaneeuver would be ineamplete witheut at lease a few feet af faatage dedicated te dedinave: fesismore has been gn the Vanesuver seene far what lead yaeal- ist Leslig Harris deseribes as “a while.” Harris started performing at age sit: and has epened fer Tina Heneh Bryan Adams, and Chea Trek: ameng thers: During a break in filming: she fakes a minute te explain the manent she realized that music was going te be her life's werk: Ir started because af a clase sREaHAtEE with a weman billed as the werld’s finest gospel singer : “Te was In Mission,” she tay in the velce af a witness fe a miracle: “T was 12: And | lagk aver and | realize I'm an a stage with Mahalia Jackson: | was Hansfarmed.” Sinee then: Leslie has gane 9n 9 perform with many of Vaneguvers mast prominent leeal musicians: fsamare 's a Fleture an the club elrcuit; and has accumulated an apBineltive fallewing = The feasen fer the dedication of the band’s fan base is simple—they saund ferrife: Their jage/swing/R&B fusian may net sep the mead far meshing: But the ealy way fe keep peat fram fapping yeuF fear is to nail it ko the flaqy Supparting the eeleetic mix ef tunes are samme of the mast listenable and accariplished lacal musicians araund. Tenight,the haad’s usual line-Hp at guifae: drums ind HpFIBHI bass is supparted by a singly saxe phone, complimenting Harris’ clear dicamy, whiskey-and-heney yeice with Fhe selidiny only talent and experience can bring: And in the case af Califernia-born bass player Patrick Metzger, it may he raw talent, The newest member ef the cambe, Meteger is described an the band’s website: ;