I guess I always was a little afraid of you SHANA ever since taht day you chased after me with a twig dripping with your soft feces. But things weren’t so bad. I learnt a lot from you... like that day you taught me how to masturbate in my shoe closet remember that? Remember telling everyone I humped myself...Shana! But I knew you were a true friend when you came with me to Mr. Steven’s place and necked him just like I did and listened to that song he used to play on the radio» “ROLL OUT THE BARREL” and that stinky dog of his and the old farts of friends he had and that dirty...dirty apartment. But you ran away, Shana...and left me there! And I guess I felt sorry for you and let you back into my life after taht time you poked holes in my grandmother’s shit bag taht hung on her hip after her bowel operation. Remember telling everyone thast my grandmother was ANETTA Petree enced Remember that? Yes, Shana, I do feel stupid being a little brown girl and yelling Why do you Need oS ; 4 to tell, you to go aay ‘RIGHT...FIGHT...NIGGER AND A WHITE!” ‘att vase § : ' that day you beat up Jessica in front of your house. For the sha mg mourn the clay Forever, 4 7 cant have # 4 e S h ee : Oe eS for the seaiment But ] am pathetic. 0, no shana wiver griev : It didn’t surprise me when I found out Or God for the ctardust that Lonely and pathetic it was you that shat in my pool that day 4 all? Like the wun parched desert devours ee = ores I en : ie the vase The rane eummen shower always knew you hated my color. ep no be You chal see it again.” Se do 9 dewouw whatever you Sofeya Devji But ll you recoanize le! Thou rly wat by Angus Adair Aud. 9 throw mapeel at yee eee prud for more. ‘They say that life ; Cut veow all 7 get (0 your contenepe Unfortunat € 1S a stage coutempl and your oe J eG ] y ‘ mo S be 0 f g . p ason Kurylo us end up being aukite 7 wave goes you CD understudies." Ducluding my ohh ‘oui jy eo SS uog Xg Or, "Anything Goes..."