at and always invited for previews of the musical CC 4 Le UGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES ieee m et pasar < 7 Hosted by the faculty at Douglas College, the Studeht Showcase recitals will be held at 2000 hours, Thursday, March 28 in the performance theatre. Although the finalized schedule of perfor- mers has yet to be completed, music instructor Tatsuo Hoshina is confident this year's class will prove that Douglas College's entire music program has improved incredibly since moving to the new inner city campus. New Site Great Help "The facility at this site is really a great help," Hoshina says. "We have many practise rooms for students to use on thelr) own time, an extremely well equipped band room and of course one of the finest per- in the formance theatres lower mainland." The top performers from the weekly Douglas | College student recitals will be presented | in this evening of free music. Regular recitalsare still being held every Tuesday 1400 hours interested patrons of the arts are in the performance theatre | professionals of the future. "We are really doing something right with our program," Hoshina says. "This year many of our students have already taken advantage of the growing music industry and are wor- king and playing with a number of profes- sional groups." DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES in Memory of David Peterkin David Peterkin, a founding member of Douglas College, passed away February 70. He was a noted choral director and clarinet- ist, and was a member of the B.B.C. Orchestra in England. He moved to Edmonton in 1952 where he was Supervisor of Music for the Province of Alberta. While there, program of workshops and established a somprehensive system of scholarships for music students. In 1970 he moved to New Westminster, | | | | he set up an extensive Mad Hatter Page 7 the position of Chairman of at Douglas College. accepting Fine Arts He will be sadly missed by his wife, Alison, daughters Leslie and Miara, and his many friends and colleagues. A scholarship is being established in his memory. ‘David Peterkin’ Memorial be sent to Henry Waack, Donations to the Scholarship' may Music Department or Carol Leyland in Accounting. Receipts will be issued for Income Tax purposes. Library Gift The Douglas College library has received a gift of 45 books from the Japan Foundation! of Tokyo. | The gift consists of works of Japanese literature, literary criticism, and language. The Japan Foundation is a major agency in Japan which promotes cultural understanding between Japan and other countries. The library is happy to receive this gift and hopes that it marks the beginning of a | long relationship with the Japan Foundation ‘