EMPLOYMENT—CONTINUED " DOUGLAS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND COMMERCE Requires a full-time temporary instruct- . or in the Office Administration Program. Appointment to commence September 1, 1981 to August 31, 1982. DUTIES: The candidate will assume in- structional responsibilities in Book- keeping, Business Math and other courses as required in an individualized mode of instruction, QUALIFICATIONS: University degree in a related area preferred plus relevant work and teaching experience. SALARY: Maximum starting salary is DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES level 8 ($34,702 per annum) subject to qualifications and experience as specified by the Collective Agreement. Closing date for applications is Wed- nesday, May 27, 1981. Please apply in writing quoting Campetition No. 31-681 to: Douglas College Personnel Dept. The Douglas College Music Department requires a Sessional Instructor for a Kodaly Musicianship course, beginning in September 1981. Applicants should have extensive training and experience in this area. Please submit applicat- ions, quoting Competition No. 81-688 to: Douglas College, Personnel Department. Closing date for applications is May 20/81 The Surrey Campus Bookstore now has copies of MIND OVER MATH (Koeelmon § Warren). Any students suffering from math anxiety would find this helpful reading. UBC READING INSTRUCTOR NEEDED FOR EVENING SUMMER COURSE For more information contact: Janet M. Alexander, Assistant Director READING, WRITING AND STUDY SKILLS CENTRE University of British Columbia. 228-2181 Mad Hatter page 7 KWANTLEN COLLEGE Requires Instructors for the following Regular Full-time positions in: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING (1 position) Ability to work independently to design an instructional program involv- ing a work week, a job oriented cur- riculum component and a Specific English for trades component. A Master's degree in teaching English as a second language and familiarity with recent work in notional/functional syllabuses and industrial language training an asset. PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CQOFFICER (1 position) The successful applicant must have demonstrated ability to design cur- riculum and write programs. Closing date for applications is May 22, 1981. Please apply with a complete resume quoting Competition No. 81-684 to Kwantlen College Personnel Dept. LIBRARIAN This is a Public Services position (short term June 1, 1981 - March 31, 1982): in- volving reference and orientation/teach- ing duties. Academic library experience is desirable. Professional credentials are essential. Please apply in writing, quoting Competition No. 81-687, to: Kwantlen College, Personnel Department. Closing date for applications is May 19/81 LANGLEY CAMPUS requires instructors in the following Regular Full-time positions in: HORTICULTURE (1 position) Extensive practical experience in Horticulture, some formal academic prep- aration. Competition No. 81-685 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION (1 position) A generalist is required to teach the basic core subjects in an Office Admin- istration Program - typing, bookkeeping, shorthand. Training and excerience in legal/medical office training an asset. Competition No. 81-686 Closing date for applications is May 22, 1981. Please apply with complete resume to : Kwantlen College Personnel Department