Pet ten Siuccas COLLEGE LIBS ARCHIVES ***PERSONAL FINANCE *** | am sure we are all convinced by now that it is really money that makes the world go ‘round. If you are contem- plating contributions to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan for tax year 1977, now is the time to act. As you may know, an R.R.S.P. serves two purposes: ly Deferral of tax to a time when, presumably, your personal rate will be lower than at present; tax sheltering of income earned by the plan itself Be aware of the fol lowing items: t; The last day for contributions for tax year 1977 will be MARCH 1, 1978 (of course, leaving it late guarantees little, if any, service from the selling organi- zation). Contributions made up to March 1, 1978 may be designated for tax year 1977 OR 1978. Contribution Limits: a. 20% of earned income or $3500, whichever is less, if you are a member of an employer pension plan. The $3500 is reduced by any contribution you make to such an employer plan. b. 20% of earned income or. $5,500, whichever is less, if you are not a member of an employer pension plan. Interest cost incurred on money borrowed for an R.R.S.P. is tax deductible, i.e. pay off consumer debt with any cash you may have, then borrow for your R.R.S.P. The plan must mature by age 7]. You must have withdrawn all pro- ceeds and paid appropriate tax by your 7Ist birthday, or at that time, you must convert the plan into a life annuity. Se nee 4 An R.R.S.P. may be set up in your spouse's name. a. Retirement income can then be split by both spouses, each claiming pension income each year, and each qualifying for the pension deduction of up to $1,000 providing the recipient is 65 or more. Remember that Old Age Security payments do not qualify for such pension deduction. b. Interest cost is NOT deductible. c. Contribution limits in (2) above apply, i.e. the amounts indicated could be spread over your plan and your spouse's plan. d. A spousal plan belongs to your spouse (beware of marriage breakdown) . e. Early collapse of a spousal plan is costly, unless the money is used to buy a life annuity. Self-administered plans are available for individuals wishing to make their own investment decisions. When the proceeds are withdrawn from a plan, they become taxable and are added to your taxable income for @ that year. Therefore, if you collapse a plan but do not need all of the proceeds, have the trustee immediately establish a new plan with the remainder. You will then pay tax only on the proceeds coming into your pocket. Another way around this is to have a number of small plans, rather than one large plan. ‘ A withholding tax became effective January 1, 1978. 10% on withdrawals up to $5,000 20% on withdrawals $5,001-$15,000 30% on withdrawals above $15,000 9. While actual retirement may seem far away, many people use this tax | deferral vehicle to great advantage during leaves of absence. If you have any questions regarding interpretation or whatever, drop me a note at the New Westminster Campus. 8 Murray Leslie Business Division Lt