SUPPORT STAFF ... -- Sheila Dennison, Shirley Froese, Pat Kavalec, Norma Miller "Placing students attending Douglas College in part-time jobs during the semester has its own set of problems: "Phone calls at all hours of the day and night to connect students and jobs... student timetables that just won't fit the job desired but qualifica- tions lacking...interview appointments not kept...employers wanting students -- yesterday! "Nevertheless, the jobs and the students eventually do get together, thus helping the students to ease their financial load as well as giving them valuable work experience for the future." KKK "Liaison is my primary function -- perform- ing it brings in many administrative, technical, supportive, and just plain "joe-job' areas. I guess I am required to maintain an updated over-view of what is happening in a department involved in ‘a great variety of activities, in order to be aware of what is needed at any one time. "I need to be able to handle a sometimes monumental load of paper work, task supervision, research, planning and development, and an unbelievable number of phone calls a day; a constant and ever- SURREY CAMPUS: Back row -- Steve Sale (former student aide); Sheila Dennison (student place- ment clerk). Middle -- Debbie Anderson (student aide); Sandra Carpenter (reading consultant); Ann Frost (counsellor, New Westminster campus) ; Marilyn Smith (counsel- lor). Front -- Al Atkinson (reading consul- tant); Steve Sharpe (counsellor); Andre Piquette (counsellor) changing list of requests from the director, other members of the department, and other departments; constant involve- ment with the director's myriad activities -- and always be available and open for listening, and to be aware when that 'liaison' is needed. And I love it!" AKK "I view my role as stenographer in Counselling as being part of a team -- all of us being extremely competent and fun to work with. I doubt if there is a department on campus with more interest- ing and diversified work than ours... which makes for a unique setup." KKK "My dual role as Richmond campus and Counselling receptionist brings me into contact with many students, and I enjoy it. I am also the first contact for many persons entering the College, and this lends much variety to the kinds of assistance I can give."