Other Press Telereg Extravaganza! Memories Winter seems so cold ana wet, Ps lonely widow am i A\nd now, with all the flowers gone, | want to sit down and cry. lt all seems 50 long ago now, [ Distant and faraway. Rut | still remember clearly, What you said to me that day. You told me that you lensed me, That we were the perfect Llerid. A\nd since the day you loft me, lve not had the chance again. Ive learnt a valuable lesson, [pom that sorrow-tilled day. A\nd if | meet another man, "I not count on him to stay. |_orraine Choo National Library of Poetry (USA) has announced that $12,000 in prizes will be awarded this year to over 250 poets in the North American Open Poetry Contest. Any Poet, whether previously published or not, can be a winner. Every poem entered also has a chance to be published in a deluxe, hardbound anthology. The contest is open to everyone. ~ Biz How are your grades? Wanna get paid!*? Poor guys don’t get laid” Can you call a spade a spade? How many jobs does it take to relieve the financial ache of cars and bars? By the way what’s with Mars? Wanna reach for the stars!*? How are your grades? —Dug Hebert To enter, send ONE original poem on any subject and any style to: The National Library of Poetry 11419 Cronridge Dr. P.O. Box 704-ZI Ownings Mills, MD 21117 Poem should be no more than 20 lines. Poet's name and address should appear on top of the page. Entries must be postmarked by Sept. 30, 1993.