Vancouver [CUP| - A British Columbia community college is promoting itself as the elite academic institution in B.C. despite sever reductions ot its cash. “We're doing our best to market the college in terms of academic excellence,’’ said Frank Gelin, dean of academ- ic studies at Capilano College. Capilano’s budget was cut in a row this year. “We're trying to say it’s an institution for students includ- ing honours_.students who would normally have gone to university,’’ said Gelin. But at the same time the college has chopped its li- brary purchasing budget by two thirds, reduced classroom instruction time by one quart- er, severely limited course offerings, and added another course to instructors already- heavy workloads. “It’s a contradiction for sure,’ said Paul Mier, a political science instructor. eeeereeeseseeseee - Election of UT Rep ‘Marg Fartaczek to the executive as speaker of the house. Motion carried. - Loan’ of $465.00 to D.E.1.S.A. towards funding of culture night. Motion carried. - Forwarding of proposal by D.C.S.S. executive for a work- study program, entitled Help- line at a cost of $1400.00. Cap Colle ‘five per cent for the third year ~ y Our la holds \\ Ask about our 64 — 8TH STREET Mier said he doubted hon- ours students would come to Capilano because of the pres- tige of a university education, and because the students couldn’t get the resource ma- terial they would want. In early October, Capilano The Other Press chopped _ the library’s book- buying budget from $60,000 to $20,000 and_ prohibited faculty from ordering any new books. “It’s ridiculous. Seventy- five per cent of my reading list is not in the library,’’ said Bank challenge The challenge is out for students and staff at Douglas College to make Christmas a better time for the needy people served by the Food Bank. : The Marketing Club wants everyone to bring a non-per- ishable food item (ie. canned goods) to campus during the first week of December. Students and staff from each program area will have their donations charted every- day and the Marketing Club will announce which group ’ was most generous on De- Motion carried. - Proposal to forward excess revenue from socials to spon- soring clubs/organizations, to the maximum of 80 per cent, to be decided on in advance of social, but contingent on staf- fing of function by sponsor. Also that the remaining 20 per cent of excess revenue be donated by D.C.S.S. to the wee Tge private cember 9. ‘‘We expect the Commerce and Business. administration area will prove to be the most generous,’’ said Marketing Club president Tim Blackstock. Donation bins will be set up at each curriculum field base from December 2 - 6 and all proceeds will go to the Food Bank. For more information, leave a message for the Marketing Club in the business lounge, room 4300. Senate notes <> recipient of its choice or tobe retained in trust. Motion de- feated. - Collection of food for New Westminster food bank by ° setting up collection bins at socials and it was resolved to ask each sponsoring organiz- ation to donate a portion of proceeds to the food bank. Motion carried. di ; UP to 130 people © om noon Xmas party and save i > 924-6811 New Year’s Eve bash! NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Monday-Thursdays: 11 am-12 PM | ec... 11am-2 AM Saturday Sunday Noon-Z AM. Noon-11 PM Meir. ‘‘| have to encourage my students to go out to UBC or Simon Fraser University to do what | want them to do.’’ Bill Gibson, associate dean of academic studies, agrees that Capilano has declined In anticipation of a referen- dum on continued participat- ion by Douglas College stu- dents in the Canadian Feder- ation of Students (CFS), the No (but) | presume that it’s probably some sort of organi- zation that helps students attain their goals in a number of ways. lan Skulsky | don’t know exactly what it is but | have a general idea - it’s a general gathering of students from educational in- stitutions across Canada, | would imagine. Doug Collins No | don’t know. Cynthia Chapman November 22, 1985 page 3 ge contradiction institution. ‘‘We were better before but now we’re at least as good as the universities,’’ he said. All three universities in B.C. have faced funding cuts of 7 per cent in the past years. but says it is still a top quality Other Press will be present-} ing a series of photo-polls on] the subject. This is the first. ] The questions asked were; Have you ever heard of CFS? | and if yes What do you think] it is?. Of twelve students surveyed, seven had never | heard of CFS and of those} seven only two would hazard | a guess as to what it was. | Five students said that they had heard of CFS, although their definitions were not al- ways accurate. It’s students getting involv- ed in politics isn’t. it? It’s students getting involved in the school. Melanie Hamilton Not completely - all | know is that it’s an organization of students - hold on, I'll get my card out. John Middlemass No. I’ve got no idea what it is. Bill Pavlov