TO: day was a mix of taba tb ate DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD , } May 21, 1987. On April 27th, the Second joint meeting of the BCAC Executive and the Council of Principals Executive was held, yielding a considerable. amount of discussion regarding © long range evolution. of the colle Some of the _ topics discussed at that meeting will be aired at ‘the BCAC “Annual General Meeti ng, June 13 and 14 in Victoria. On May 8th, the College received word — that. it was recei g nt allocation in support of Adult College. This continued increase in the siz es ecially in the light of increased compet for | relatively scarce funds, of the fine work being carried on by our personnel. ing a ($61 000 0 Bone of our grant. allocation, ion from other colleges On May 11th, a contingent of students from the Osaka School of Tourism arrived at Douglas College, for a stay of four months. This relation- ship is a result of guneas’ made by | Mr. Gordon Gilgan, Academic | Dean in Osaka last. ‘year. On May ‘19th, the College was honoured by an all-day visit by the Hon. Stanley Hagen, Minister of Advanced Education and Job eons The visit was. on short notice, but apparently was viewed as a success by all concerned. I would like to acknowledge the fine Kees and ‘co-operation of our Administrative and Si administrators, and faculty in organizing ia) d pleasant, and smoothly organized. The Mi to the Col lege ‘in September or October Fol lowe registration. He is interested in seeing the College full current capacity. Three D Dougl as C outside the Coll ge for contributions | to our field of educatior Norma Kidd of the Maple Ridge Campus, for her contributions to the field of Adult Literacy; Janet Giltrow and Diana Wegner of the New Westminster Campus, for their innovative approach t Business and Report Writing. Norma received f — recognitic Texas. for her work, and subsequently by the Pacifi ‘Association fc Continuing Education here in B.C.; Janet and Diana Lee by the National Institute ‘for Staff and Organizational Development in the United States last year, and latterly, by the acec at the annual conference ‘in Hamilton. ~ “tne of our paver programs — - the Basic Occupational | Education program Electronic As mbly - has also been given an honourable mention for the 1987 "Spotlight Awards" under the "Making Canada Productive" project. This means that Douglas College joins 8 er colleges in receiving national recognition for ‘imaginative pregranicansetopnest: Internal Matters - Personnel Our College Staff held their a nual Bi cnet aay last week. The i - develop matters, and n it am other ae s ere se ate s an indication of continued recognition lege faculty nemeae: has received formal 1 recog tioin . t ana of