DOUGLAS COLE; ——_—___ | MAD HATTER 7 Ae SOc ARCHIVES| UPCOMING EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY I7 - 21, 1986 West Coast Wrestling Wednesday, February 19, 1986 2000 hours Gymnasium Ticket prices are $7 ringside, $6 bleachers and a dollar discount for children under twelve, senior citizens and Douglas College students. Proceeds go to Douglas College Royals Hockey, so come out and see the All-Star wrestling cast! Education Mission to Japan and Hong Kong A Slide Show Presentation by Bill Day and Gordon Gilgan Thursday, February 20, 1986 Room 2201 1200 - 1300 hours Ten Days for World Development, New Westminster Committee presents: "Hunger and Canadian International Aid" with Pauline Jewett, M.P. Additional presentations on aid programs in Honduras, India, Senegal and Tanzania by representatives of local churches. Douglas College New Westminster campus Thursday, February 20, 1986 1930 - 2130 hours Room 3412 Week of February 17 - 21, 1986 cont. Noon at New West Dave Branter and Julia Nolan, Saxophonists Thursday, February 20, 1986 1230 hours Performance Theatre From the Humanities Institute Movies: Problems of Living & Rediscovery of the Eagles's Gift Hosted by Jim Davies of the Douglas College Philosophy Department. Thursday, February 20, 1986 1230 - 1400 hours and 1900 - 2100 hours Room 2203 FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24 - 28, 1986 The Talking Freds Political satire in song Thursday, February 27, 1986 1230 - 1400 hours Room 1200, Lower Cafeteria * Sponsored by the Humanities Institute. The Trojan Women A Movie presented by the Humanities Institute Thursday, February 27, 1986 1230 - 1400 hours Room 2203