EE Ee IT i MII ELT ARI: Ae PEAS PEEII TOOL LT TO ET Te Pe ae AER Ne EOP OS IE NEW FILMS The following films are now avatl- able for loan from the Douglas College Ltbrary: WAGES OF WORK Three working elass familtes on limited incomes discuss how they cope with the high cost of living. As tt turns out, the figures quoted by Statistics Canada as being ade- quate for a family to matntatn a decent standard of living fall short of reality. These familtes must resort to food and housing co-ops, extra jobs, overtime, elothting ex- changes to make ends meet and pay for essenttals. 28 men. 1978 SPIRIT OF AGE A sertes produced by the BBC for European Architectural Herttage Year which looks at the develop- ment of architecture tn Britain since the Norman Conquest. The Medteval World (Part 1) The achtevements of the Medteval butlders ts examined tn the con- text of the materials they used; wood, brick and stone, together with a wide selection of butldings, both secular and religious from many parts of Britatn. 54 mtn. SPIRT OF AGE: All That Money Could Buy (Part 6) The Vietortans butlt on a vast scale with a range of matertals and styles that matched the exuberance and prosperity of the age. This programme describes the soctal and architectural consequences of thetr wealth in clubs, colleges and country houses. 53. min. SPIRIT OF AGE: PROPAGANDA MESSAGE A eartoon about the whole hetero- geneous mixture of Canada and Canadians, and the way the invistble adhesive called federalism makes tt all eling together. That the dts- senting votces are many ts made PROPAGANDA MESSAGE (Cont'd) amply clear, in English and French. But this antmated message also shows that Canadians can laugh at them- selves and work out thetr problems objectively. 13 min. 1974 HYPERACTIVE CHILDREN The standard treatment for hyper- activity ts drugs. Many doctors and parents are questtontng this. Dr. Ben Fetngold, an allergtst, not only questtons this treatment, but deals with the problem in a different . and controverstal manner - wtth a spectal diet which excludes any foods econtatning arttfical flavoring or colouring. His results have, he clatms, a 33-50% success rate. Some dispute has arisen over what ts con- stdered by some to be tnadequate setentifie research. 14 min. 1976 FILM BOOKINGS FOR FALL SEMESTER Please note that the deadline for ftlm bookings for next Fall ts June 30 As of July 1, bookings will be ac- cepted from outside borrowers as well. Request forms are avatlable from A.V. Servtces at all campuses. should be sent to Linda Fostt, Bove Services, New Westminster for processtng. Forms Also, note that requests for rental films will be sereened by the A.V. Librarian. Priority will be gtven to those requests submitted by the deadline. KR NEW LOCALS - NEW WESTMINSTER 281 Ken MeCoy, Campus Manager 288 Linda Toscaak 289 Student Resource Centre FOR SALE LADY'S 5-SPEED BIKE EXCELLENT CONDITION - $85.00 "Pat" - New Westminster - Local 285 or Dean's Office.