Chuxanaut tied the score just before the half on a touchdown. Douglas the second half with a man short as Burt Kirby had to retire-fron ire with a leg injury. Douglas went ahead 10-4 on two fine drop goals y Leurie, but Chakanaut charged back to narrow the score to 10-8 on another . oucndown. From this point on Douglas defended tenaciously and held on for hard fought win. Tr pb! < by e & a In other matches, the Douglas second team playing with 2 men short in the second haif went down 24-18 to league leaders Port Coquitlam. Brian McAdsa was hot for Douglas College with a convert and 4 field goals totalling 14 points. Davinder Deol scored a touchdown for Douglas 'n the third division game, Douglas thirds were no match for the Tunassen Rugby Club going under 24-3. Telfard with a field goal. Sole scorer for Douglas was Grover P.O. Box 2503, Canada V3L 5B2 ev e ntevent vert venteventc ntevent enteventeven teventevert nteventevente eventeventeve nteventeventeven everteventevente teventeventevente nteventeventevente nteventevertevent enteventeventeventeve —- venteventeventeven nteventeventeventevente enteventeventevent everteyv enteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeve event event eventeventeventeventeventeventeventeve nteventevent . eventeventeventeventeventeventeventey eventeventcvent venteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevertt even mteve _eventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevent venteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevent eventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevent teventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeven enteventeventeverteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeve venteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevent eventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeve eventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventcvent venteventteventeventeventeventeventeventeventeventevent teventeventeventeventeventeventeventev -enteventeventeventeventeventeventev enteventeventeventeventeventevent venteventeventeventeventev eve venteventeventeventeventeve ven evemteventeventeventevente eve teventeventeventeventeven tev nteventeventeventeventev nte teventeventeventeve ve ven ~ teventeventeventev ente eventeventeventeve » evert nte Douglas College, New Westminster, B.C. | Until June, 1976. Event magazine was produced three times a year, in an 88-page tormat. At our last meeting before breaking for the summer we decided it was time to change. We will now be producing two issues per year, and operating with a much_more flexible format. Each issue will have a length of approximately 120 pages. The maximum length will be dependent on the amount of high quality works we receive that are | applicable to the theme of the issue being produced. In the Fall 1976 issue, you can look forward to finding a high contrast approach, with works by Howard O’Hagen featured in contrast to works by such contemporary writers as George Bowering. Spring 1977 will feature the works of new writers and artists Back copies of Event are still available at single copy price. They include works by: George Woodcock, Bill T. O’Brien, Charles Bukowski, Alden Nowlan, George McWhirter, Pat Lowther, Gordon Pinsent, Harvey Shapiro, Cynthia Ozick, Jacob Zilber, Kevin Roberts, and Ken Stange. Available at your local campus or community bookstore or by subscription