~F - a wena ae eo a = = a = “ Gotta watch what I say, they tappin’ my cell phone They wanna sneak and peek inside my home I’m paranoid and it’s not the weed In my rear view mirror these cars they follow me’ —Prodigy, “Mac 10 Handle” ” SPIES!!! I’m sure many of you have read by now that the University of Toronto has just uncovered a Chinese computer spy ring that’s infected computers worldwide. Dissidents, foreign ambassadors, bank owners, none of them are safe from the prying eyes of the Chinese, and I’m sad to say I’m one of those affected people. I guess I should’ ve seen it coming. As the editor-in-chief of the seventh widest distributed student paper in the 15" largest metropolitan area in the 36" most populated country in the world, I have a pretty big target on my back. I was never under any illusions; it was only a matter of time before the Chinese decided to take action against me. I guess my number just finally came up. Because I assume that those godless communists will now attempt to discredit me by releasing this sensitive information to the public, I’ll beat them to the punch. I'll take all the power out of this information by falling on my own sword and taking the coward’s way out by telling you what’s on my hard drive. -AVI FILE OF THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED: This is so I can blackmail that son of a bitch Jerry Lewis after what he did to me all those years ago. He knows exactly what I’m talking about... ALL OF MY PASSWORDS: I’m an idiot; I store all my passwords on my PC in case I forget them. Now I’m really screwed; now not only are those bastards going to run up a tab on my amateurpages.com account, but they’ ll probably also start posting as me on the CanadianGunNutz.com forum, and worst of all, they’Il also log into my Neopets account and ruin my Level 3 Quiggle, Starflower. Goddamn those bastards! AN MP3 OF THE CHRISTRIAN BALE RANT: No, not the one you’ve already heard, this is a new one. You’ ve seen the way he treats crew members of his films but you won’t believe what he says to these Girl Guides. MY SAVED GAMES ON BALDUR’S GATE 2: I swear, if those dicks ruin my main character who I’ve been carefully min-maxing to be the ultimate combat caster, I’m going to be pissed. MY GOOGLE SEARCH HISTORY: It’s not the number of times I’ve searched “xxx + heavy + leather” that I’m embarrassed about, more the number of times I’ve searched for “abba + torrent + frée.” -AVI FILE OF NELSON MANDELA’S RELEASE FROM PRISON: This is so I can blackmail that son of a bitch Nelson Mandela after what he did to me all those years ago. He knows exactly what I’m talking about... So, there it is. Enjoy, China, because that information’s no good to you now that the rest of the world knows it. How does it feel to lose, China? I beat you for sure, just as sure as my online banking password is “lukeskywalker54.” Wait a minute... Your friend in high fidelity, Liam Britten Editor-in-Chief The Other Press The Other Press is Hiring! News Editor Report on news stories around Douglas College and the local community. Interest in college and local events and affairs a major asset. Must have strong writing ability and be able to commit time to research and interviews for stories. Pay: $400/month Arts Editor Cover stories about all sorts of arts events and products. Reviewing, reporting and editing will all be the responsibility of a successful applicant. Good writing skills, fresh perspective and diverse interests a must! Pay: $400/month Send your resume to editor @theotherpress.ca.