Opinions In Defense of House Parties By Garth McLennan I know from experience—but if you take the proper precautions, and plan the party right, the risk is greatly reduced. Only let in people you know, or better yet, make the whole.thing invite only, put away anything you don’t want to get broken, inform your neighbours that you'll be having people over, and set a cap on the number of people. These are four very simple principals, so it’s really not that dangerous or difficult. take just a few uncomplicated steps. Confiscate keys when people enter, which would prevent drunk driving, keep an eye on things so that people don’t do anything stupid, and only allow people you know and trust to enter. Another worry is the clean-up. Now this one is pretty unavoidable. Parties are messy, and cleaning up the house is a sure thing. Just ask some of the people who came to the party Now, I understand that police are only doing their jobs, but by breaking up a party and kicking everyone out, not much is getting accomplished. What, do you think “the police are only doing their jobs, but by breaking up a party and kicking everyone out, not much is getting accomplished.” to come over the following day to lend a hand. If they really are your friends, they’ ll do it without a problem. I know mine did. Student parties Ts house party has long been a hallowed tradition for high school and college kids all over North America. Yet now, more than ever, these parties are getting phased out by watchful parents and overzealous police officers. Many parents refuse to condone drinking in any way, shape, or form, but the plain fact of the matter is that kids are going to be kids. Teenagers are going to drink, with or without their parents’ permission. Now, what do you think is safer: drinking with your friends and peers in a well-lit, safe house, or stumbling through a park with God- knows-who in the pitch black? Now, I’m the first to admit that. parties. can get out of hand—believe me, that everyone will just decide to go home? Believe me, that is definitely not the case. People just head over to the local park or school and continue the fun there. Many parents refuse to permit parties on the grounds that they will be liable if anything happens. That is a fair concern, but that get countered if you are a lot of fun, a great way to meet people socially, and safe if done properly. Plus, they make a hero out of the host. Reading this, do parties really seem that bad? If they get out of control, then they can be, but often, if the host does it right, that isn’t the case. So relax, let kids have their fun. ee New Menu! New Management! Renos under way n now Free WiFi Reve) noon till 8pm / mop — fri jan 2.75 steeves Cheap Drinks F - bombs 2-75 hballs 2.75 ae en, aac Bef > Tg 6s 57 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P: 604.522.0011 | F: 604.522.0544