she enjoyed some team success Led by second- year provincial all- but not a lot of personal recogni- tion, she was recruited to come to Douglas College. However, she didn’t play a large role on the team at the start. It actually was- nt until she was moved to offside hitter over halfway through the season that she even saw regular court time. star Christine Bonish ADRIENNE LINDSAY ry as she might, Christine Like many modestly successful college athletes, Bonish has avoid- ed conspicious “stardom.” Bonish just can't keep success at bay any longer. The second year science stu- However, what sets her apart lent and starting middle blocker bf the Douglas College womens’ olleyball team sounds from other players is that she's managed to quietly rack up an autious as she surveys the ruitful prospects of last ear's successful season and er first summer playing beach volleyball. “Tye always enjoyed vol- eyball and thought that I as a pretty strong player,” Bonish said recently. “But think whether others have elt the same way has been lhe question. I’ve just start- d to become a little more nown.” You'd have to really crutinize her athletic areer to notice any overt tuccess, which is the way bonish likes it. After play- g both volleyball and asketball at Terry Fox benior Secondary, where ason underway impressive stat sheet. As an off- side player, Bonish routinely ranked in the BCCAAs top ten for average kills. And she topped off last year’s successful season as a provincial all-star and the Royals’ Rookie of the Year. Still, the 5’10 Bonish even gets humble about being humble. “I've never been really recog- nized as a ‘star’ player, so I've never really thought of myself as anything special,” she says. “I think, however, that I've always been one of the hardest workers and by always putting 100% into every practice, well, it seems to have paid off.” Bonish credits coach Sue Sharpe with helping her improve her skills—result- ing in increased confidence and a new role on the team. “Last year we had a lot of veterans to lead the team, but since they are gone this year, I've tried to show leadership and encourage the first year players.” She also attributes her improved skills and confi- dence to spending the sum- mer on the beach. Bonish, along with fellow Royal teammate Kirsten Homeniuk, won the BC The Vision Centre offers savings of at least 30%-80% off, compared to regular retail costs, for Douglas College Students, employees and their family members. We carry over 400 of the finest frames manufactured in the world with the latest styles and frame materials. Our goal at the DC Vision Centre is to earn a reputation of selling the best manufactured glasses in the optical industry with the most up to date three dimensional edging equipment. Dispensing contact lenses is another service we provide at the Vision Centre. With the latest technological equipment we take care to fit you with the best lenses possible for your needs. « The Douglas College Vision Centre is now David Lam Campus Savings are in sight open at the Alfred Sung Roots Flexon Bugle Boy Fila Dakota Smith Lauren Hutton Fo May acy Monday-Friday, 9:30-5pm David Lam CampB¥-1250 Pinetree Way, Coquit Don’t poeple just walk on the floor anymore? junior beach volleyball champi- onships, which resulted in a week of training in California and a trip to the nationals in Grand Bend, Ontario. Although Bonish loves the out- door game, she is currently focus- ing all her attention on the upcoming season. This year, she is back to being a middle blocker, and while she ts a bit uncomfort- able with her ever-increasing role on the team, she looks forward to the task. “This will definitely be a chal- lenging year. For the team because we have lost a couple of key players. And for me, because playing middle blocker is a lot more difficult than offside. I know I've got to work on my quickness.” With one successful college year under her belt, the upcoming season is sure to raise her profile no matter how hard she tries to remain humble. Student special 10% off with Douglas College ID 74 Eighth Street New Westminster, BC Ph/Fax 522-7823 Douglas College Royal Avenue Columbia Street