ee ee ee f Page 8 The Other Press YESO NOU pext semester? Student Society Questionnaire continued on page 10 > 1) Do you plan to attend the college in September 1982? 5) Are you aware that the college plans to increase tuition again If no, are you going on to another post secondary institute? YESO NO 2) Do you know that the provincial government is planning to cut 6) Are you a registered voter in the provincial elections? back on funding of post secondary institutions? YESO NO YESONOU 7). Do you feel that you should protest to the minister of- finance 3) Are you aware that we might face a budget cutback of up to and:the minister of education against reducing the amount of post 20% for next year? secondary funding? YESO) NO YESO NO 4) Do you know that Douglas College may have te: 8) Would you participate in actions that will change the - further reduce the number of courses and programs offered? government's attitude towards the priority of ensuring the accessibil- - reduce the number of students attending college? ity of education to all citizens of B.C.? EC YESO) NO YESO NO oo ——" a aaa March 18th to April 1st 1982 y are peo le on Canada’s most wanted list? ‘Lloyd Axworthy, Minister — Lloyd Axworthy, Ministre here are jobs in Canada that cannot At Employment and Immigration we have _ programs are supported by some form of be filled because of a shortage of helped hundreds of thousands of young federal government assistance. skilled people. Technology is moving faster people discover options they never knew hat hel le find the right job. and than some industries. And if Canada is to they had. dechintty fine - right rebel: ete remain competitive in international markets — Federal government programs help train that helps Canada work. wa rae ee re ploy challenges them so they can take advantage of those For a copy of the booklet “Are we ready to change?” write: ; options. By special funding to institutions “CHANGE”, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0J9 Our hope is in informing young Canadians _and colleges, Canadians get classroom about the opportunities in the fields of education in priority subjects. And virtually skilled trades and the new technologies. all of the apprentices training in regulated Helping Canada Work. CS Employment and Emploi et i+g Immigration Canada Immigration Canada Canada